Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ten Essential Oils You’ll Want To Diffuse And Why!

Aromatherapy means “to treat with aroma through inhalation.” Although there are other applications for Aromatherapy, if you would like to be proactive about your health and wellness, and particularly the state of your emotions, then diffusing essential oils is the most practical and effective way to enjoy their benefits!

Why inhale essential oils in the first place?

Because essential oils affect the brain and the brain affects the rest of us! Essential oils, naturally, have the ability to help us by bringing about a feeling of calmness or alertness. They can stimulate appetite or a feeling of being full. They can help us feel romantic, grounded, and empowered. They bring back memories and help release trauma. In short, essential oils affect the way we feel and the way we feel affects everything!

Below is a list of 10 pleasant-smelling essential oils to diffuse and enjoy!

Cassia - This essential oil is antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal, making it a wonderful oil to have in your breathing space when people are coughing all around you. And it smells a little like Christmas Candy!

Clary Sage - This essential oil is believed to be beneficial for hormone balance, insomnia, and other symptoms of PMS. You may find it calms you, making it a wonderful oil to diffuse during stressful [and hormone-upset] times!

Cedarwood - An essential oil high in sesquiterpenes which means it can affect the emotion center of the brain. It also encourages the pineal gland to release melatonin which fosters deep sleep. Breathe in this oil during times of congestion, coughs, and bronchitis.

Frankincense - Diffuse this fragrant oil when you would like to increases spiritual awareness and stay focused while you are meditating. Breathing in Frankincense may also improve your attitude and elevate your spirits!

Geranium - Another great essential oil for stress. While it calms and balances you, it may help to release negative memories. Diffusing this oil may bring you to a higher level of well-being emotionally so you feel more peaceful and optimistic.

German Chamomile - Diffuse this essential oil for a “breath of calm” in a busy day! German Chamomile may help you to dispel anger and steady your feelings bringing you back to a clear, calm state of mind, helping you to feel better emotionally and to sleep well.

Lavender - This wonderful essential oil is well known for it’s calming, relaxing and balancing effect on the emotions. These properties make it a good oil to diffuse when you are dealing with nervous tension, high blood pressure or depression. Diffuse this in the bedroom for a good nights rest.

Lemongrass - This essential oil is fun to diffuse because it helps to make one more intuitive. It is also purifying and a natural insect repellent. Diffuse it to stay awake and feel less irritable!

Ylang Ylang - This relaxing fragrance balances male-female energies. It seems to give you what you need to come into balance. It brings your energy up if it is low and helps to calm you if you need grounding! It also has aphrodisiac properties. Think: calm, balance, confidence, peace, joy.

Peppermint - This fresh cool-scented essential oil is known as “The Happy Oil”. If you are on a weight-reduction diet, you may like to know that Peppermint has been studied for its ability to affect the brain’s satiety center; the part of the brain that makes us feel full after we’ve eaten enough! It’s also good for headaches, focusing, and depression and can help clear the sinuses!

These comments are not meant to replace conventional medical treatment.

Essential Oils Integrative Medical Guide by D. Gary Young
Aromatherapy for Common Ailments by Shirley Price
Aromatherapy for Dummies (I couldn’t resist!)
©2007 Terra Cotta Pendants About the author: Lori Gosselin has been studying and sharing information about essential oils since 1997. She has witnessed many profound changes in people when they begin diffusing essential oils into their everyday lives. Together with her family she started Terra Cotta Pendants in 2003. Terra Cotta Pendants, the “diffusers you wear”, allow you to experience the desired benefits of a chosen oil, via inhalation, effectively and effortlessly throughout your day.

Cleaning A Cold-Air Aromatherapy Diffuser

cold air diffuser, diffusing, diffusers, discount coupon, cleaning cold air diffuserWhether you're a diffuser junkie like me and diffuse essential oils in practically every room of your house or you're an occasional user of a cold air diffuser you may find your aromatherapy diffuser may get clogged and need to be cleaned. This can happen over time or more frequently if you diffuse thicker oils.

Cleaning a cold air diffuser is easier than you think and requires little effort. All you need is a pair of pliers, a needle or pin, some soap and water, rubbing alcohol or good ol' vodka

Following are the steps to clean your diffuser and ensure that you are receiving the benefits from your aromatherapy diffuser and that its working optimally:

  1. Turn the diffuser off, remove the glass nebulizer piece and tubing attached to the pump.

  2. With a pair of pliers GENTLY wiggle the silver piece with the hole in it side to side while pulling up. Be gentle as you don't want to damage this piece.

  3. With the metal piece off you will notice a notch facing the area where the oil enters the nebulizer area. Part of the notch is filled with a little clear stick, leave that alone.

  4. Take a straight pin or needle and clean the tiny area beside the clear stick. You may need to fish around a little to get all the chunks out. Sometimes it is gummy or has little fuzzies.

  5. Once the silver piece is removed soak it and the base of the diffuser in hot soapy water. I find Thieves Household Cleaner works best at dissolving the oil in and around the base.

  6. Gently scrub the well with a toothbrush. Check the silver piece to be sure that the hole is not clogged. If it is simply take a needle or a pin and poke the hole to remove any clogged oil.

  7. Reassemble the diffuser by re-attaching the metal piece (make sure to press the piece all the way down to the bottom) and the glass nebulizer.

  8. Add about 1/2 ounce of rubbing alcohol to the well of the diffuser. If you don't have rubbing alcohol Vodka will do!

  9. Diffuse the alcohol in the nebulizer for a few minutes.

  10. Empty any remaining alcohol from the well of the diffuser and run the diffuser empty for a few minutes to dry.

That's it! Your aromatherapy diffuser should be up and running optimally again.

Did you break the glass nebulizer or want to change the look of your diffuser? Would you like an appliance timer for your diffuser? Diffuser World has many different glass nebulizers and timers to outfit your aromatherapy diffuser. They even have air pump replacments. Click here and enter discount code 246 to enjoy %5 off your entire order!

If you need help with your diffuser or want to learn more about diffusing essential oils, contact me and I'd be happy to help you!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

8 Key Elements that Set Young Living Apart

Its easy to walk into a health food store or even a natural grocer and find essential oils and products containing essential oils. Some brands may even state that they're therapeutic grade essential oils.

But do you really know how those oils or products are processed? Do you know the quality of those oils?

Here are eight key elements that make Young Living different from any other firm in the world:

  1. Own organic herb farms and custom-built essential oil distillation facilities on three continents.

  2. Have one of the largest libraries of scientific review papers on essential oils in the world.

  3. Have a president who has devoted almost a quarter century to studying and growing therapeutic-grade essential oil.

  4. Have company leaders who have published twelve research papers and nine books on the therapeutic benefits of essential oils and herbs.

  5. Have a president who has studied at nine foreign universities.

  6. Have a founder who has spoken at the United Nations conference on essential oils.

  7. Have a staff of essential oil experts who regularly travel the world searching for the finest essential oils being produced.

  8. Offer totally unique and natural products that get immediate results.

As the world leader in essential oils we have yet to identify any real competition. The inevitable entrance of new oil sellers in the marketplace is an opportunity to further set ourselves and our products apart. We established the Young Living therapeutic-grade standard and we will continue to lead the way. With our commitment to plants, preparation, purity, and potency, we guarantee the products we deliver remain undiluted from seed to seal and are the best quality essential oil available.

Excerpted from the 2008 Young Living Fact Sheet.

Choose wisely, choose the best, choose Young Living Essential Oils. Its that simple!

Experience The Benefits of Young Living Oils for Yourself....Order Your Young Living Products Here......

Do you need help understanding essential oil use? Do you need help ordering your Young Living Products? Contact me, I am ready to help.

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Now Available: Core Supplements and Everyday Oils

Two of our most popular Essential Rewards packs, Core Supplements™ and Everyday Oils, are now available to everyone! That's right, you do not have to be an Essential Rewards member to take advantage of these two great products.

For those who currently have these products on Essential Rewards, no changes will be made to your account. Please continue to enjoy the flexible benefits of our Essential Rewards program.

Core Supplements

Enjoy the benefits of Life 5™, Longevity™, Omega Blue™, and True Source™ conveniently packaged in thirty a.m./noon/p.m. packets. Getting the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy is as easy as tearing open a pack.

Item No. 3504
Whsl. $100.00 / Pref. Cust. $115.79 / Retail $131.58 / PV 100

Everyday Oils

Young Living recommends nine of our most popular essential oils and essential oil blends that can be used for a wide range of uses and benefits. Enjoy the relaxing benefits of lavender and Peace & Calming, the cleansing power of Thieves and Purification, the comforting touch of Valor and PanAway and more. This kit is ideal for making oils an essential part of your day, every day.

Everyday Oils includes: frankincense (5 ml), lemon (5 ml), lavender (5 ml), peppermint (5 ml), Purification® (5 ml), PanAway® (5 ml), Peace & Calming® (5 ml), Thieves® (5 ml), and Valor® (5 ml)

Item No. 3695
Whsl. $115.00 / Pref. Cust. $133.16 / Retail $151.32 / PV 115

Order Your Core Supplements and Everyday Oils Here...

Two New Young Living Products - Breathe Again and Lavender Foaming Hand Soap

The newest member to the essential oil roll-on family is just in time for the winter cold and flu season. Breathe Again™ provides respiratory relief and soothes discomfort associated with the sniffles. Available in a convenient roll-on application, Breathe Again is a combination of four eucalyptus essential oils plus peppermint, myrtle, and copal essential oils. Purchase Breathe Again in our Holiday Roll-On Collection with Valor® and Tranquil™ roll-ons, available October 15*.

Holiday Roll-On Collection
Item No. 4802
Whsl. $54.75 / Pref Cust. $63.39 / Retail $72.04 / PV 54.75

Lavender Foaming Hand Soap, the newest addition to Young Living's Lavender Signature Series, is a gentle, cleansing addition to our all-natural product line up. Infused with lavender essential oil, this fragrant hand soap is sure to be a household favorite. Purchase Lavender Foaming Hand Soap in the Lavender Signature Series Pack and Holiday Hand Care Kit gift packs, available October 15*.

Lavender Signature Series Pack Item No. 4805
Whsl. $68.75 / Pref. Cust. $79.61 / Retail $90.46 / PV 68

Holiday Hand Care Kit
Item No. 4803
Whsl. $22.00/ Pref. Cust. $25.47/ Retail $28.95/ PV 22

*Breathe Again Roll-On and Lavender Foaming Hand Soap will be available for individual purchase starting January 1, 2009.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Essential Oil Twist on Alcoholic Beverages

For those of you who like to use 100% therapeutic grade essential oils to flavor your water or seltzer and are at least 21 years of age you may be interested in the recipes I found at The Art of Being Feminine website.

The author has posted some yummy looking recipes using essential oils to flavor your adult beverages. What a concept!

I have used essential oils to flavor my water and I have used them to flavor my food but I have never flavored my cocktails. But why not?

Check out the interesting drink recipes. The one that I found most appealing is the cinnamon wine.

cinnamon essential oil flavor alcoholic beverages cocktails drinks
The recipe calls for Cinnamon Essential Oil which is noted for its warming properties that help invigorate and rejuvenate the mind and body. Interestingly, in Egyptian times it was used in mulled wines and love potions.



Half a bottle of Malaga wine
1 drop of Cinnamon Essential Oil
4 drops of Lemon Essential Oil

Combine ingredients and serve in delicate wine glasses.

Sounds yummy yes? Leave a comment and let me know what you think. And of course, if you have any questions or need help ordering any Young Living Products contact me. I'd be happy to help.

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,