Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Holidays - I'm Giving Away a Free CD "Essential Oils The Missing Link"

In one week Christmas arrives and in this season of giving I have been inspired to give a gift to one lucky reader. I will be giving a free CD "Essential Oils: The Missing Link" by D. Gary Young.

The Missing Link is an inspirational CD by Young Living’s own Gary Young. It contains what may be the most life-changing information available today and explains why essential oils are the missing link in our search for vibrant health and longevity.

Gary Young gives a powerful introduction to essential oils as an alternative to traditional methods of healing. He explains many health conditions that can be treated using essential oils and how essential oils have the potential to replace antibiotics in treating new and more virulent forms of disease (46 minutes).

If you want to learn more about Essential Oils and how to incorporate them into your life then this CD is just for you.

Would you like to win this CD? There are two ways to enter this holiday give away:

You can send me a direct e-mail by clicking here or if you use twitter you can send a tweet containing "I'd like to win the CD" to me @ElizabethDunphy

I will be holding the drawing and contacting the lucky winner on Christmas day.

Good luck and as always, if you have any questions about essential oils and how you can use them in your life, please contact me. I'd be happy to help!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ten Essential Oils You’ll Want To Diffuse And Why!

Aromatherapy means “to treat with aroma through inhalation.” Although there are other applications for Aromatherapy, if you would like to be proactive about your health and wellness, and particularly the state of your emotions, then diffusing essential oils is the most practical and effective way to enjoy their benefits!

Why inhale essential oils in the first place?

Because essential oils affect the brain and the brain affects the rest of us! Essential oils, naturally, have the ability to help us by bringing about a feeling of calmness or alertness. They can stimulate appetite or a feeling of being full. They can help us feel romantic, grounded, and empowered. They bring back memories and help release trauma. In short, essential oils affect the way we feel and the way we feel affects everything!

Below is a list of 10 pleasant-smelling essential oils to diffuse and enjoy!

Cassia - This essential oil is antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal, making it a wonderful oil to have in your breathing space when people are coughing all around you. And it smells a little like Christmas Candy!

Clary Sage - This essential oil is believed to be beneficial for hormone balance, insomnia, and other symptoms of PMS. You may find it calms you, making it a wonderful oil to diffuse during stressful [and hormone-upset] times!

Cedarwood - An essential oil high in sesquiterpenes which means it can affect the emotion center of the brain. It also encourages the pineal gland to release melatonin which fosters deep sleep. Breathe in this oil during times of congestion, coughs, and bronchitis.

Frankincense - Diffuse this fragrant oil when you would like to increases spiritual awareness and stay focused while you are meditating. Breathing in Frankincense may also improve your attitude and elevate your spirits!

Geranium - Another great essential oil for stress. While it calms and balances you, it may help to release negative memories. Diffusing this oil may bring you to a higher level of well-being emotionally so you feel more peaceful and optimistic.

German Chamomile - Diffuse this essential oil for a “breath of calm” in a busy day! German Chamomile may help you to dispel anger and steady your feelings bringing you back to a clear, calm state of mind, helping you to feel better emotionally and to sleep well.

Lavender - This wonderful essential oil is well known for it’s calming, relaxing and balancing effect on the emotions. These properties make it a good oil to diffuse when you are dealing with nervous tension, high blood pressure or depression. Diffuse this in the bedroom for a good nights rest.

Lemongrass - This essential oil is fun to diffuse because it helps to make one more intuitive. It is also purifying and a natural insect repellent. Diffuse it to stay awake and feel less irritable!

Ylang Ylang - This relaxing fragrance balances male-female energies. It seems to give you what you need to come into balance. It brings your energy up if it is low and helps to calm you if you need grounding! It also has aphrodisiac properties. Think: calm, balance, confidence, peace, joy.

Peppermint - This fresh cool-scented essential oil is known as “The Happy Oil”. If you are on a weight-reduction diet, you may like to know that Peppermint has been studied for its ability to affect the brain’s satiety center; the part of the brain that makes us feel full after we’ve eaten enough! It’s also good for headaches, focusing, and depression and can help clear the sinuses!

These comments are not meant to replace conventional medical treatment.

Essential Oils Integrative Medical Guide by D. Gary Young
Aromatherapy for Common Ailments by Shirley Price
Aromatherapy for Dummies (I couldn’t resist!)
©2007 Terra Cotta Pendants About the author: Lori Gosselin has been studying and sharing information about essential oils since 1997. She has witnessed many profound changes in people when they begin diffusing essential oils into their everyday lives. Together with her family she started Terra Cotta Pendants in 2003. Terra Cotta Pendants, the “diffusers you wear”, allow you to experience the desired benefits of a chosen oil, via inhalation, effectively and effortlessly throughout your day.

Cleaning A Cold-Air Aromatherapy Diffuser

cold air diffuser, diffusing, diffusers, discount coupon, cleaning cold air diffuserWhether you're a diffuser junkie like me and diffuse essential oils in practically every room of your house or you're an occasional user of a cold air diffuser you may find your aromatherapy diffuser may get clogged and need to be cleaned. This can happen over time or more frequently if you diffuse thicker oils.

Cleaning a cold air diffuser is easier than you think and requires little effort. All you need is a pair of pliers, a needle or pin, some soap and water, rubbing alcohol or good ol' vodka

Following are the steps to clean your diffuser and ensure that you are receiving the benefits from your aromatherapy diffuser and that its working optimally:

  1. Turn the diffuser off, remove the glass nebulizer piece and tubing attached to the pump.

  2. With a pair of pliers GENTLY wiggle the silver piece with the hole in it side to side while pulling up. Be gentle as you don't want to damage this piece.

  3. With the metal piece off you will notice a notch facing the area where the oil enters the nebulizer area. Part of the notch is filled with a little clear stick, leave that alone.

  4. Take a straight pin or needle and clean the tiny area beside the clear stick. You may need to fish around a little to get all the chunks out. Sometimes it is gummy or has little fuzzies.

  5. Once the silver piece is removed soak it and the base of the diffuser in hot soapy water. I find Thieves Household Cleaner works best at dissolving the oil in and around the base.

  6. Gently scrub the well with a toothbrush. Check the silver piece to be sure that the hole is not clogged. If it is simply take a needle or a pin and poke the hole to remove any clogged oil.

  7. Reassemble the diffuser by re-attaching the metal piece (make sure to press the piece all the way down to the bottom) and the glass nebulizer.

  8. Add about 1/2 ounce of rubbing alcohol to the well of the diffuser. If you don't have rubbing alcohol Vodka will do!

  9. Diffuse the alcohol in the nebulizer for a few minutes.

  10. Empty any remaining alcohol from the well of the diffuser and run the diffuser empty for a few minutes to dry.

That's it! Your aromatherapy diffuser should be up and running optimally again.

Did you break the glass nebulizer or want to change the look of your diffuser? Would you like an appliance timer for your diffuser? Diffuser World has many different glass nebulizers and timers to outfit your aromatherapy diffuser. They even have air pump replacments. Click here and enter discount code 246 to enjoy %5 off your entire order!

If you need help with your diffuser or want to learn more about diffusing essential oils, contact me and I'd be happy to help you!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

8 Key Elements that Set Young Living Apart

Its easy to walk into a health food store or even a natural grocer and find essential oils and products containing essential oils. Some brands may even state that they're therapeutic grade essential oils.

But do you really know how those oils or products are processed? Do you know the quality of those oils?

Here are eight key elements that make Young Living different from any other firm in the world:

  1. Own organic herb farms and custom-built essential oil distillation facilities on three continents.

  2. Have one of the largest libraries of scientific review papers on essential oils in the world.

  3. Have a president who has devoted almost a quarter century to studying and growing therapeutic-grade essential oil.

  4. Have company leaders who have published twelve research papers and nine books on the therapeutic benefits of essential oils and herbs.

  5. Have a president who has studied at nine foreign universities.

  6. Have a founder who has spoken at the United Nations conference on essential oils.

  7. Have a staff of essential oil experts who regularly travel the world searching for the finest essential oils being produced.

  8. Offer totally unique and natural products that get immediate results.

As the world leader in essential oils we have yet to identify any real competition. The inevitable entrance of new oil sellers in the marketplace is an opportunity to further set ourselves and our products apart. We established the Young Living therapeutic-grade standard and we will continue to lead the way. With our commitment to plants, preparation, purity, and potency, we guarantee the products we deliver remain undiluted from seed to seal and are the best quality essential oil available.

Excerpted from the 2008 Young Living Fact Sheet.

Choose wisely, choose the best, choose Young Living Essential Oils. Its that simple!

Experience The Benefits of Young Living Oils for Yourself....Order Your Young Living Products Here......

Do you need help understanding essential oil use? Do you need help ordering your Young Living Products? Contact me, I am ready to help.

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Now Available: Core Supplements and Everyday Oils

Two of our most popular Essential Rewards packs, Core Supplements™ and Everyday Oils, are now available to everyone! That's right, you do not have to be an Essential Rewards member to take advantage of these two great products.

For those who currently have these products on Essential Rewards, no changes will be made to your account. Please continue to enjoy the flexible benefits of our Essential Rewards program.

Core Supplements

Enjoy the benefits of Life 5™, Longevity™, Omega Blue™, and True Source™ conveniently packaged in thirty a.m./noon/p.m. packets. Getting the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy is as easy as tearing open a pack.

Item No. 3504
Whsl. $100.00 / Pref. Cust. $115.79 / Retail $131.58 / PV 100

Everyday Oils

Young Living recommends nine of our most popular essential oils and essential oil blends that can be used for a wide range of uses and benefits. Enjoy the relaxing benefits of lavender and Peace & Calming, the cleansing power of Thieves and Purification, the comforting touch of Valor and PanAway and more. This kit is ideal for making oils an essential part of your day, every day.

Everyday Oils includes: frankincense (5 ml), lemon (5 ml), lavender (5 ml), peppermint (5 ml), Purification® (5 ml), PanAway® (5 ml), Peace & Calming® (5 ml), Thieves® (5 ml), and Valor® (5 ml)

Item No. 3695
Whsl. $115.00 / Pref. Cust. $133.16 / Retail $151.32 / PV 115

Order Your Core Supplements and Everyday Oils Here...

Two New Young Living Products - Breathe Again and Lavender Foaming Hand Soap

The newest member to the essential oil roll-on family is just in time for the winter cold and flu season. Breathe Again™ provides respiratory relief and soothes discomfort associated with the sniffles. Available in a convenient roll-on application, Breathe Again is a combination of four eucalyptus essential oils plus peppermint, myrtle, and copal essential oils. Purchase Breathe Again in our Holiday Roll-On Collection with Valor® and Tranquil™ roll-ons, available October 15*.

Holiday Roll-On Collection
Item No. 4802
Whsl. $54.75 / Pref Cust. $63.39 / Retail $72.04 / PV 54.75

Lavender Foaming Hand Soap, the newest addition to Young Living's Lavender Signature Series, is a gentle, cleansing addition to our all-natural product line up. Infused with lavender essential oil, this fragrant hand soap is sure to be a household favorite. Purchase Lavender Foaming Hand Soap in the Lavender Signature Series Pack and Holiday Hand Care Kit gift packs, available October 15*.

Lavender Signature Series Pack Item No. 4805
Whsl. $68.75 / Pref. Cust. $79.61 / Retail $90.46 / PV 68

Holiday Hand Care Kit
Item No. 4803
Whsl. $22.00/ Pref. Cust. $25.47/ Retail $28.95/ PV 22

*Breathe Again Roll-On and Lavender Foaming Hand Soap will be available for individual purchase starting January 1, 2009.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Essential Oil Twist on Alcoholic Beverages

For those of you who like to use 100% therapeutic grade essential oils to flavor your water or seltzer and are at least 21 years of age you may be interested in the recipes I found at The Art of Being Feminine website.

The author has posted some yummy looking recipes using essential oils to flavor your adult beverages. What a concept!

I have used essential oils to flavor my water and I have used them to flavor my food but I have never flavored my cocktails. But why not?

Check out the interesting drink recipes. The one that I found most appealing is the cinnamon wine.

cinnamon essential oil flavor alcoholic beverages cocktails drinks
The recipe calls for Cinnamon Essential Oil which is noted for its warming properties that help invigorate and rejuvenate the mind and body. Interestingly, in Egyptian times it was used in mulled wines and love potions.



Half a bottle of Malaga wine
1 drop of Cinnamon Essential Oil
4 drops of Lemon Essential Oil

Combine ingredients and serve in delicate wine glasses.

Sounds yummy yes? Leave a comment and let me know what you think. And of course, if you have any questions or need help ordering any Young Living Products contact me. I'd be happy to help.

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This Month's Special Promotions

immuPower 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil Immune support
10% Off ImmuPower™ Essential Oil Blend

Get 10% off ImmuPower essential oil blend purchases between September 16, 2008, and October 15, 2008.

ImmuPower is a powerful blend of therapeutic–grade essential oils that creates a fragrant and protective haven while increasing positive energy.

Item No. 3363 15 ml

Promotion details:

  • Offer valid from 12:00 a.m. MT September 16, 2008, through 11:59 p.m. MT October 15, 2008.
  • Offer available on regular orders, orders made through the Automated Phone System, and on Essential Rewards orders processed on or before 11:59 p.m. MT on October 15, 2008.

Click Here to Buy ImmuPower™ now.......

Friday, September 12, 2008

Head Lice Treatment for Super Lice

At the end of August last year while my kids and I were anxiously awaiting the start of the new school year we noticed we all had itchy heads. I didn't give much thought to it as I had just switched our shampoo and I attributed the itching to dry scalp. It wasn't until the second day after school started when I realized, much to my dismay and embarrassment, that we all had head lice. For sure, this was no way to start the new school year. I was mortified and felt completely overwhelmed by the whole situation.

Because I was completely freaked out and in need of a quick fix I wasn't prepared to handle the situation in a natural way and I certainly wasn't thinking of sitting down and researching home remedies for head lice. I just wanted to get rid of these nasty creatures and get rid of them NOW! So, I did what most people do and ran right to the local drugstore and purchased the first lice treatment product I could find. This was regardless of the fact that it was, for sure, chemically laden. I was a woman on a mission.

While I was applying the lice treatment the stench of chemicals was incredibly powerful. I couldn't help but wonder how caustic this product must be and what kind of effect it would have on us. Add to that my misery of having to re-apply the product to two of my four children because the first application was ineffective.

For the next 4 days I became Monkey Mom and Laundry Queen all at the same time and I had lots of nit picking time to ponder such phrases as "do you have to be so nit picky", "what a louse" or "this is louse-y".

When I had a chance to research head lice and head lice treatments I found that the product I used contained lindane, a chemical which is structurally very similar to hazardous banned pesticides such as DDt and Chlordane. Lindane, according to Wikipedia, primarily affects the nervous system, liver and kidneys and may be a carcinogen and/or endocrine disruptor. Great right?

My research also enlightened me to the fact that head lice are becoming resistant to the insecticides and pesticides currently on the market very much like germs are becoming antibacterial resistant due to the overuse of antibacterial products. These products are turning head lice into super head lice. This came as no surprise to me given the need for two applications of these chemicals to my children.

Below is a video by CBS News on the Super Lice and how this is not a myth.

Pesticide resistance is a good reason to turn to essential oils for the treatment of head lice. Essential oils are derived from plants and, like humans, no two plants are exactly alike. This individuality allows the compounds that make up the essential oil, the plant's lifeblood, to be unique. This uniqueness prevents any lice or germ from replicating the oil and from allowing it to become stronger.

You can be sure that if there ever is a next time I have to deal with head lice or nits there is no question I am using my essential oils. That is, now that I have them on hand!

Don't get caught without your essential oils. If you have concern over head lice this year and don't want to use chemicals to treat them may I recommend you make sure you have these 100% Therapeutic Grade Oils in your home too:

Purchase the Head Lice Blend at Preferred Customer Pricing - Contact Me for this Special Offer.......

The Essential Oils Desk Reference, 3rd Edition's recommendations for head lice treatment

Single Oils:

Eucalptus Radiata, Lavender, Peppermint, Thyme, Geranium, Nutmeg, Rosemary


Head Lice Blend:

Dilute 50-50, 1 tsp. applied to scalp. Massage into enire scalp, cover with disposable shower cap and leave for a least 1/2 hour. then shampoo and rinse well. Use the following rinse:

Head Lice Rinse:
  • 2 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
  • 2 drops Lavender
  • 2 drops Geranium
  • 1/2 ounce vinegar
  • 8 ounce water
Mix into a container with a watertight lid. Shake vigorously, then pour over hair making sure every strand is rinsed. This should be done leaning over bathtub or sink. This is not recommended if you are still in the bathtub as lice may cling to other body hairs. Dry naturally. Repeat daily until lice and eggs are gone.

Ahh, just typing that out smelled good

Don't have head lice but looking for Head Lice Prevention? Try adding 2-3 drops of Tea Tree Oil into your Shampoo or Conditioner. Lice don't like the smell.

If you have any questions or need help ordering please let me know. I'd love to help!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Heading Back to School - Your Oils Arsenal

Back to School Are you ready for back to school? If you're a parent with a school aged child this is a question you hear constantly this time of year. My answer is always no!

Let me clarify, from a tangible, physical standpoint we are ready - we have our clothes, our backpacks are packed, and we have our much needed school supplies but it seems, in our house, we are never emotionally ready.

In our house the start of the school year is filled with emotions. Depending on which one of my four children you speak with you'll get a different emotion associated with school. The range is wide and includes nervousness, anger, excitement, anticipation, and confidence. Add to that my own anxiety and anticipation for what the school year will bring and what you have is a house filled with emotions running on high.

To me there's no better time to ensure that my back to school arsenal is well stocked with essential oils and nutritional supplements to help make a smoother transition from summer to school. It gives me some peace of mind to know I can help alleviate some of our anxieties with proper nutrition and with the help of 100% pure essential oils. Following is what I have in our back to school arsenal to help us start the school year off right.

Good nutrition is key for a happy mind and body and is vital to build a healthy immune system. To help bolster my kids' emotional and physical health I supplement their diets with:

  • Kids MightyVites - A nutrient-dense whole food source multi-vitamin which contain super fruits, plants and veggies that deliver the full-spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients for children's developing bodies.

  • Omega Blue - clinically proven dose of omega-3 (EPA, DHA) fatty acid nutrients. Fish oils and omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help children who cannot focus while at school. We've had great results using Omega-3 fatty acids. These work great for my older guy as he can swallow pills but for my younger ones I use Coromega Omega-3 Supplement

  • NingXia Red Singles - I drop one of these single packs in the kids lunch boxes to give them a good boost of vitamins and minerals in the middle of their day. Its an excellent way to ensure they are getting their needed vitamins throughout their day.

  • Manna Bars - a multi grain snack bar made with nutrient-rich whole foods. The bars are a healthy snack alternative to other sugary non-nutritious snacks and give good steady energy to busy minds and bodies.

Aromatherapy, through the use of Essential Oils, is a great way to help your child through times of nervousness, anxiety, to help clear their minds, and to help them with studying. Using a cold air diffuser at home and having them wear a Terra-cotta pendant or bracelet at school is an excellent way to provide the needed aromatherapy. Read Aromatherapy for Students to learn more about using essential oils for improving concentration, increasing memory, improving study skills, and helping your student think clearly. Here is a list of the oils we'll be using throughout the school year:

  • Lemon - When diffused, lemon has been known to refresh and stimulate the mind, improve memory, and promote a sense of well-being. Its scent is revitalizing and uplifting. My middle guy will have this on his Terra-Cotta Pendant, especially on his first day of first grade. This is his favorite oil and I am sure it will bring him comfort while away from home. We will also be diffusing lemon while doing homework.

  • Peppermint - Dr. William N. Dember of the University of Cincinnati studied peppermint's ability to improve concentration and mental sharpness. We'll diffuse this oil during homework if we are having trouble concentrating.

  • Clarity - After researching this blend for a friend I had to add it to our arsenal. I am putting this essential oil blend in a roll on for my oldest son to discretely apply to his wrists when he feels he needs focus. After reading about the benefits of Clarity I am hopeful that it will help.

  • Jasmine - My daughter Cait will wear this on her Terra-Cotta Pendant. Jasmine relaxes, soothes, uplifts, and enhances self-confidence. This is her oil of choice and in my opinion, it couldn't be a better oil for her to take to school.

  • Peace and Calming Essential Oil Blend - This is a must have! When diffused, it helps calm tensions and uplift the spirit, promoting relaxation and a deep sense of peace. When massaged on the bottoms of the feet, it can be a wonderful prelude to a peaceful night's rest. Peace & Calming may be especially calming and comforting to young children after an overactive and stressful day.

  • Thieves Essential Oil Blend - My children won't leave for the day without a loving foot rub with Thieves Essential Oil Blend. This is a fun ritual we perform every morning. Its a great time to give your child that extra love they need to start the day happy. You'll also be giving their bodies help in fighting off all those nasty germs that they encounter throughout their day.

And while I am providing my children with good nutrition and helping them by using essential oils it is ever important to make sure I am protecting them from all the germs that are abundant in their classrooms. So, in addition to their morning foot rubs, each of my children's backpacks contains their own Thieves Hand Purifier for use throughout their day. I love this hand purifier because it doesn't contain the antibacterial triclosan nor the dreaded isopropyl alcohol that poses problems when children ingest it. I love this purifier because the Thieves essential oil blend remains on the skin to continually purify long after application.

What's in your back to school arsenal?

If you have any questions or would like help with any of the items discussed above, please contact me. I am more than happy to help!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Who Couldn't Use a Bit of Clarity?

memory, concentration, clarity, study skills
Jane e-mailed me the other day and asked about oils that can help with focus. She was concerned for someone she loves and thier challenge with focusing, especially with school starting. Jane heard about the essential oil blend Clarity and wanted to know what information I had on it.

I was familiar with the study on Peppermint Essential Oil conducted by Dr. William N. Dember of the University of Cincinnati. He found that inhaling peppermint oil increased the mental accuracy of students by 28 percent but I was unfamiliar with Clarity.

Thanks to Jane I found that this is an oil I want in my home. Read on and you will see how beneficial this oil can be. You may even find that you want a little Clarity in your life too:

Clarity – promotes a clear mind and amplifies mental alertness. Improves mental activity and vitality and increases energy when overly tired.

Includes these oils:

Cardamom – uplifting refreshing and invigorating. It may be beneficial for clearing confusion. Found to enhance performance accuracy.

Rosemary – helps overcome mental fatigue, stimulating memory and opening the conscious mind. When inhaled was found to boost alertness, ease anxiety and amplify analytic and mental ability.

Peppermint – inhaling increases mental accuracy by 28%

Basil – alleviates mental fatigue and muscle spasms.

Bergamot – is uplifting and calming. Relieves anxiety, stress and tension.

Geranium – antispasmodic, relaxant, anti-inflammatory, and uplifting.

Jasmine – is stimulating to the mind and improves concentration

Lemon – stimulating and invigorating, induces relaxation, and reduces depression.

Palmarosa – stimulating and revitalizing, enhances both nervous and cardiovascular system

Roman Chamomile – combats restlessness, tension, insomnia. It purges toxins from liver where anger is stored.

Rosewood - is high in linalool which as a relaxing, empowering effect

Ylang Ylang – helps bring about a sense of relaxation.

Application: Diffuse in a cold air diffuser or by wearing a terra-cotta pendant or bracelet, or add 2-4 drops to bath water. Apply 1-2 drops on edge of ears, wrists, neck, temples or foot Vitaflex points (brain – large toe)

Add Brian Power, lemon or peppermint to enhance effects.

Because of the citrus oils in Clarity (Bergamot and Lemon) there could be possible sun-skin sensitivity. Avoid the sun if using the oil on skin that will be directly in the sun.

All the above information was taken from the Essential Oils Desk Reference - an excellent source for Essential Oil use.

Check out these testimonies for Clarity:

If you have any questions about this oil blend or need help ordering, let me know I'd be happy to help you.
Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Monday, August 25, 2008

Young Living Essential Oil Start Living Kits

Young Living Essential Oils Start Living Kit
If you read Lavender Essential Oil - Tips for Use and How to Use Peppermint Oil then you would have 45 reasons to use the Lavender and Peppermint Essential oils included in Young Living's Start Living Kit.

The Young Living Start Living Kit is the easiest and most cost effective way to introduce yourself to the wonderful world of Young Living Essential Oils.

The Starter Kit is specifically designed to support the needs of a new Independent Young Living Distributor but it isn't limited to those who want to start a business. The basic Start Living Kit will familiarize you with Young Living’s products, services, sales aids, and training materials. It includes free products and a 50% off coupon for a diffuser.

By purchasing the kit you immediately receive wholesale pricing for the lifetime of your membership; this is a 24% savings on all Young Living essential oils, nutritional supplements, and health care products.

Young Living's Start Living kits are an excellent value and the cost of the basic kit pays for itself when you use the 50% off Diffuser coupon included in the kits. The coupon can be used on either the Young Living Essential Oil Diffuser or the new Ultrasonic Diffuser. Diffusing is one of the best way to begin enjoying the benefits of essential oils and to experience immediate positive results from them (please note that the coupon must be used within 60 days of receiving it).

Here is what's included in the Young Living Start Living Kit:

  • 1 - Welcome Letter

  • 1 - Start Living Brochure

  • 1 - Diffuser Coupon (only one per enrolling account)

  • 1 - Essential Rewards Brochure

  • 1 - Restore Your Core Brochure

  • 1 - 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse Brochure

  • 1 - Thieves Booklet

  • 1 - Everyday Oils Booklet

  • 1 - Essential Oils User's Guide

  • 1 - Product Guide1 - Price List

  • 1 - Policies & Procedures

  • 1 - Roadmap for Success Booklet

  • 1 - Creating Abundance Booklet

  • 1 - Compensation Plan Flyer

  • 1 - Team Performance Flyer

  • 3 - Distributor Application/Agreement

  • 3 - Customer/Preferred Customer Form

  • 1 - NingXia Red DVD

  • 1 - Gold of the Ages DVD

  • 1 - A·R·T DVD

  • 1 - 5 ml Lavender

  • 1 - 5 ml Peppermint

  • 3 - NingXia Red Singles

Young Living also offers Start Living Kits featuring some of our most popular products. These include:

Start Living Cleanse Core Essential CompleteStart Living with 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse™/Core Essentials Complete™

In addition to the product information, service explanations, sales aids, and training materials included in the Start Living Kit, this exclusive enrollment offering also contains two of our most popular nutritional collections, the 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse and Core Essentials Complete, to provide new distributors complete nutritional support for their first 35 days.

Start Living with Everyday OilsStart Living with Everyday Oils™

In addition to the product information, service explanations, sales aids, and training materials included in the Start Living Kit, this exclusive enrollment option also contains nine of our top-selling essential oils and essential oil blends. The specially-selected oils in this collection offer ongoing benefits for your health, home, and body. Enjoy the relaxing benefits of lavender and Peace & Calming, the cleansing power of Thieves and Purification, the comforting touch of Valor and PanAway, and more!

Start Living with NingXia RedStart Living with NingXia Red®

In addition to the product information, service explanations, sales aids, and training materials included in the Start Living Kit, this exclusive enrollment option also contains the energizing benefits of NingXia Red, Young Living's naturally delicious nutrient infusion in a value priced 4-pack.

Start Living with ThievesStart Living with Thieves®.

In addition to the product information, service explanations, sales aids, and training materials included in the Start Living Kit, this exclusive enrollment offering also contains the purifying action of Thieves essential oil blend in a variety of products for the home. Featuring our newest addition to the renowned Thieves product line, Thieves Foaming Hand Soap, Young Living's Thieves enrollment kit ensures the benefits of this revolutionary essential oil blend are always on hand.

Ready to begin the journey of a lifetime? Contact me by e-mail or by phone (732-406-0890) and I'd be happy to help you or simply go online to sign up.

Now is the perfect time to join Young Living and experience first-hand the power of essential

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Friday, August 15, 2008

Natural Carpet Cleaning Recipes

Non Toxic Natural Household Cleaning, Carpet CleaningIf you are looking for reasons to ditch your toxic household cleaners and switch to non toxic natural cleaners you need look no further than the dirtiest, most used area of your home - your carpet! Consider this:

Carpet cleaning products, especially those used as a spot or stain remover, are often made with chemicals that dissolve dirt without soap and water. Because they are not rinsed with water they leave residues and strong odors behind. These fumes and odors are often created from toxic substances such as formaldehyde, acids, pesticides, disinfectants, lye, fragrances, and antibacterial chemicals all of which are harmful to your wellbeing in so many ways.

After cleaning the carpet, the residues of these chemicals remain on the carpet where they are easily transferred to skin, feet, and onto hands where they can make their way into the mouth especially by children and pets.

Using natural cleaning products is the way to go for sure and certainly there are more and more natural cleaning products on the market but you have to be sure of what's in your cleaner. You can read the labels but be warned; as with most household cleaners, reading the label on carpet cleaners may not be enough.

Companies often times won't list all the ingredients on the label for fear of giving away their secret formula. Many times it is these very ingredients that are most harmful to us. If you'd like to learn more about the safety of chemicals in carpet cleaners read "Are Carpet Cleaners Safe"

With all the rolling and romping my children do on our carpets I absolutely make sure there are no chemicals being used to clean it. I use Young Living's Thieves Household Cleaner and Young Living Essential Oils for most of my household cleaning - my carpets are no exception.

The advantage of using Thieves Household Cleaner over other natural cleaners is the added benefit that its made with Thieves Essential Oil Blend. This blend is comprised of oils which are found to be highly anti microbial, antibacterial, anti fungal, and antiseptic. So while its cleaning, the oils are killing the germs that are carried in from shoes and even feet. And if odors are coming from your carpet, the oils will help destroy the bacteria that is causing the odor. The essential oils work as a natural disinfectant. Now that's natural cleaning at its best!

Its important to note that a carpet that is not regularly maintained will often require stronger chemicals to get it clean. Avoid that and enjoy cleaner and healthier carpets by using Thieves Household Cleaner in your steam cleaner on a regular basis.

Following are some carpet cleaning and deodorizing recipes using Thieves Household Cleaner and essential oils. Note how little of the Thieves cleaner is necessary which makes it very cost effective as well:

Spot and Stain Remover

Use the Thieves Household Cleaner recipe for MEDIUM DEGREASING (1:30)
(1 capful cleaner: a little less than 2 cups water)

Spray directly on the stain, wipe with a clean cloth.

(Always spot test an inconspicuous area to ensure no problems occur.)

Carpet Cleaning for Steam Cleaner

I have a couple of different recipes for the steam cleaner style carpet cleaners and I list them below. Personally, I determine my mixture based on the need of the carpet. You'll get a feel for your own machine and how much Thieves Household Cleaner to use.

Carpet Shampooing (1:100) 1 capful cleaner : 6.25 cups water
1 teaspoon Thieves household Cleaner.......filled it with water.

All essential oils have some antibacterial/antimicrobial properties so they're useful to use as a carpet deodorizer. I like to make different mixes based on my preferences at the time. I like Purification for the carpet in my car. Its a great way to replace the air freshener you have hanging from the mirror.

Carpet Freshener

Mix all ingredients in a widemouthed glass jar and tighten the cap or mix in a bowl with a wire whisk and cover.

Set aside for 24 hours to allow the aromas to permeate the powder.

Sprinkle over carpeting, leave for 10 to 15 minutes then vacuum .

Lavender: 60 drops

Cinnamon: 20 drops

Orange: 20 drops

Bicarbonate of soda (baking soda): 1/2 cup (120 ml)

Recipe from the book 500 Formulas For Aromatherapy: Mixing Essential Oils for Every Use by Carol & David Schiller, ©1994.

Got a Stinky Vacuum Cleaner

or just want to freshen the room while you vacuum? Saturate a disposable cloth or tissue with several drops of essential oil and place into the collecting bag of your vacuum. This will diffuse a pleasant odor as you clean.

Does your vacuum cleaner collect dirt into water? Simply add a few drops into the water reservoir before cleaning. This is excellent for freshen up the carpet and the room.

Would you like to learn more about Thieves Household Cleaner? Here is a great tips and usage document from the excellent website Secret of Thieves.

We live in a very toxic world and I feel removing toxic chemicals from our lives is of paramount importance and should be part of every one's wellness plan. Using natural non toxic household cleaners is one to control what goes in you and your family's body and is one of the easiest ways to move toward optimal wellness.

I hope you'll consider greening your cleaning for you and your family. If you'd like to learn more about green cleaning and the toxins that are in your home Green This! Volume 1: Greening Your Cleaning by Dierdra Imus is a great, informative read. It is filled with tons of information on personal care and household cleaning products.

If you have any questions or would like help ordering Thieves Household Cleaner please contact me. I would love to help.

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Natural Sweetener with Health Benefits?

Imagining Health Benefits of Stevia Imagine a natural sweetener, a sugar substitute, that you could add to your healthy lifestyle that actually enhances your health.

Imagine a natural sweetener that you could add to your diet and still experience weight loss.

Imagine a natural sweetener that's high in antioxidants that help prevent the DNA damage that causes cancer; one that's fat free, caloric free, and lowers and balances your blood glucose level.

Impossible right? Wrong!

There is such a sweetener and its called Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana).

Stevia rebaudiana is a South American shrub that grows in semi-arid areas of Brazil and Paraguay. The leaves of the plant have been used for generations as a sweetener by the Guarani people and more recently throughout South America and Asia. In fact, Japan's diet coke is sweetened with Stevia.

Yet despite its uses in Japan, Korea and Brazil, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refused to allow it as a food additive or sweetener here in the United States. The FDA approved it for dietary supplemental use only. That is, until recently, when two companies formed an alliance and were successful in getting Stevia approved as a food additive here in the U.S.

The companies are the Coca-Cola Co. and Cargill Inc. Cargill Inc. has tested Stevia extensively and published the results of studies backing its safety in the scientific journal Food and Chemical Toxicology in May 2008. Their studies paid off because the FDA has officially approved the first Stevia product to be used as a food supplement.

This is a great win for those of us wanting a healthier substitute for sugar and comes at a time when there is so much controversy over substitute sugars such as aspartame being linked to cancer, leukemia and lymphomas and sucralose (Splenda) promoting obesity and weight gain. I am sure we'll be seeing many new products that will be stevia enhanced.

Stevia Extract a Natural SweetenerFor now though, we don't have to wait for Coca - Cola or Cargill to provide us with these products (although I'm secretly hoping that they'll "stevia enhance" my guilty pleasure - Diet Coke ) You can replace your current sugar, aspartame or sucralose with Young Living's Stevia Extract.

There are plenty of ways to use this sweetener and get the health benefits now. You can add it to your tea or coffee and even replace it with the sugar you use for cooking. Because of its incredible sweetness strength, its 15 times sweeter than sugar, you need very little. 2-3 drops of Stevia liquid can replace 2 teaspoons of sugar. For cooking 1 teaspoon of liquid Stevia Extract is equivalent to 1 cup of sugar.

Here is a recipe for Lemonade from The Stevia Cookbook: Cooking with Nature's Calorie-Free Sweetener copyright 1999

LEMONADE (Yield: 10 8-ounce servings)

2 cups fresh squeezed lemon juice
8 cups water
2 teaspoons stevia liquid concentrate
ice cubes
lemon for garnish

1. Combine all of the ingredients in a pitcher and stir until well

2. Pour into ice-filled 10-ounce glasses, garnish with lemon slices, and

If you have any questions regarding Stevia Extract please contact me. If you need help ordering I would be happy to help.

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Following are some interesting articles to read if you would like to learn more about Stevia Extract:

A Tale of Incredible Sweetness and Intrigue

The Bittersweet Tale of Stevia

Natural Sweetener Stevia Loaded With Antioxidants; Protects Against DNA Damage

Coke, Cargill Launch Stevia-based Sweetener

New Scientific Studies Establish the Safety of Rebiana, a Sweetener From the Stevia Plant

Monday, August 4, 2008

How to Use Peppermint Essential Oil

Pure Peppermint Essential Oil

PEPPERMINT: (Mentha piperita) is one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion. Jean Valnet, M.D., studied peppermint's effect on the liver and respiratory systems.

Other scientists have also researched peppermint's role in affecting impaired taste and smell when inhaled. Dr. William N. Dember of the University of Cincinnati studied peppermint's ability to improve concentration and mental accuracy. Alan Hirsch, M.D., studied peppermint's ability to directly affect the brain's satiety center, which triggers a sense of fullness after meals.


Following are 25 ways to use Peppermint Essential Oil:

  1. Rubbing 4-6 drops in the palm and rubbing over stomach and around the navel may help relieve occasional indigestion, flatulence and diarrhea.

  2. Adding a drop of Peppermint oil to herbal tea may help aid digestion and heartburn.

  3. Massaging several drops of Peppermint oil on an area of injury may help to reduce tenderness. Applying Peppermint oil immediately to an injured area may be soothing.

  4. Rubbing several drops of Peppermint oil on the bottoms of the feet may help lower high temperature.

  5. Applying a drop of Peppermint oil topically on unbroken skin may help to stop itching.

  6. For poison ivy or poison oak, applying Peppermint oil on location may help with irritation and be soothing.

  7. Inhaling Peppermint oil before and during a workout may help boost your mood and reduce fatigue.

  8. Massaging several drops of Peppermint oil on the abdomen may help relieve nausea.

  9. Rubbing a drop of Peppermint oil on the temples, forehead, over the sinuses (stay away from the eyes) and on the back of the neck may help in soothing head pressures.

  10. Applying a drop of Peppermint oil on each side of the fifth cervical vertebra (up three notches from the large vertebra at the base of the neck) may be beneficial in helping to stop hiccups.

  11. Placing two drops of Peppermint oil on the tongue and rubbing another drop under the nose may help improve alertness and concentration.

    Order Your 100% Pure Peppermint Essential Oil Here....

  12. Diffusing Peppermint oil in the room while studying may help to improve concentration and accuracy. Inhaling Peppermint oil, when taking a test, may help in improving recall.

  13. Rubbing 4 drops of Peppermint oil on chest and stomach may help to relieve travel sickness.

  14. Placing a drop of Peppermint oil on the tongue and inhale into the nose and sinuses may help stuffiness.

  15. Add Peppermint oil to food as a flavoring and a preservative.

  16. To deter rats, mice, ants or cockroaches, placing two drops of Peppermint oil on a cotton ball and placing along the path or point of entry for these pest may help to send them elsewhere.

  17. Mixing one 15 ml. bottle of Peppermint oil into a 5 gallon can of paint may dispel the fumes.

  18. Place a couple of drops of Peppermint oil in a cup of hot water and enjoy in place of coffee.

  19. Adding 4-5 drops of Peppermint oil to 4oz. of water and spray on plants may help get rid of aphids.

  20. Drinking a drop of Peppermint oil mixed in a glass of cold water may help to cool off on a hot day.

  21. Rubbing Peppermint oil on joints may be soothing.

  22. Placing a drop of Peppermint oil on the tongue may help in stopping bad breath.

  23. Inhaling the fragrance of Peppermint oil may help in curbing the appetite and lessen the impulse to overeat.

  24. Applying a drop of Peppermint oil on a cotton swab and swabbing the tick may help it removal. Wait for it to unhedge its head and remove from your pet.

  25. Mixing Peppermint oil in a footbath may help relieve sore feet. Keep water agitated while soaking feet.
If you have any questions regarding Peppermint Essential Oil or would like help in ordering Peppermint Oil , please contact me and I'd be happy to help you.

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

The above usage of Peppermint was taken from "101 uses For Young Living Essential Oils" - thanks to Peggy Brackett and the many others that have contributed to the creation of this list.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Essential Oils as a Natural Cologne For Men

Did you know that perfume and cologne can be dated back to Egyptian times? Actually, the Egyptians were the first to bottle perfume with the earliest use of perfume bottles dating back to around 1000 BC. Perfume was made from the essential oils of flowers and herbs and were not just reserved for women. Historical accounts tell of Roman men using perfumes after their baths and using the perfumes as an after shave. Yes, fellows, men have suffered the razor since Roman times!

In today's modern world true essences of plants have been replaced with synthetics and chemicals in men's cologne, shaving, and skin care products. These synthetic fragrances are found to cause, trigger, and exacerbate health conditions. Read more about the effects of synthetic fragrances here and the effects of pthalates here. And while these fragrances are affecting you directly they are also affecting those around you, the very ones you are trying to attract. All the more reason why you should make the switch to natural fragrances to enhance your manly magnetism.

In my previous post Beat the Blues and Smell Great Too I wrote about using essential oils as a perfume and the added benefits of these aromatics helping to beat the blues. The combination of essential oils that I offered are somewhat feminine and I thought that maybe some of my male readers would like some suggestions for replacing their current men's cologne to a natural fragrance - essential oils.

Keep in mind guys that just because they are essential oils doesn't mean they can't be manly - The added benefits to using essential oils as a cologne or after shave is that these oils are good for your health and good for your skin.

Here are some suggestions, in no particular order, that I have gathered from other Young Living distributors:

To use these oils as a cologne or after shave you can either use a couple of drops of oil straight or add them to a few drops of carrier oil such as V-6 Oil or Sweet Almond Oil

Maybe you are looking to replace your shaving cream. Here is a recipe from a distributor using a foam dispenser:

Essential Oil Shaving Cream

Take an empty foamy bottle (a used Thieves Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser works great), add Young Living Bath and Shower Gel Base to about ¼ of the bottle, stir in desired amount (10-20 drops should do) of masculine, skin loving, essential oils such as Sandalwood, Frankincense or Helichrysum. You can use a bamboo skewer to gently stir in the oils (it takes a few minutes to incorporate them)

Fill the rest of the bottle about ¾ full with distilled water. Replace the cap and shake hard several times until water and bath gel base incorporate. Allow to settle for an hour or so, then add the rest of the distilled water and stir gently. This lasts a long time and the scented foam is very gentle and soothing for the skin.

If you need any help ordering these oils or if you have any questions please let me know. Contact me and I'd be happy to help you!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,