Monday, June 30, 2008

Rub a Dub Dub.....Is Cancer in Your Tub?

Do you know what chemicals are in your personal care products? Do you know the effect that these chemicals have on your or your children's body?

To help you understand I am offering a free booklet entitled "Rub a Dub, Dub... Is Cancer in Your Tub" This booklet offers an in-depth view of common ingredients found in shampoos, deodorants, mouthwashes, toothpastes, and other everyday items used in your home that have been scientifically shown to undermine health. This convincing and informative brochure helps you understand the importance of using products made with natural ingredients, such as Young Living's premium products.

To receive your free booklet please e-mail me with "Rub a Dub" in the subject line. Please include your name and shipping address and I'd be happy to mail this right out to you.

Would you like to see how your personal care products rank and how dangerous they are to you and your family? Then head over to The Environmental Working Groups Cosmetic Database I promise you'll be shocked to see what poisons and toxins (such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Propylene Glycol, DEA, excessive Fluoride, etc.) are hidden in the products you use daily, such as soap, shampoo, rinse, toothpaste, mouthwash, skin cleansers and moisturizers, etc. - that is, unless you are using Young Living Products.

Young Living personal care products and Thieves Household Cleaner contain only natural ingredients. They have no harsh chemicals. None. Never have; never will. They're completely natural, made from only the finest natural ingredients, and enhanced with 100% pure therapeutic-grade essential oils. You will never find any of the poisons or toxins described in the Rub a Dub, Dub report on the ingredient list of any Young Living product.

These are products that not only work, they're really good for you too!

If you have any questions or need help ordering Young Living products, please contact me. I'd be more than happy to help!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Headin' to NYC for an Overnight Getaway - I'm Bringing My Thieves

My darling husband has surprised me with an overnight getaway for our 15th wedding anniversary and my birthday!! I am so excited to head out and leave all our cares behind.

Of course I will be packing my essential oils - I just can't be without them! I will also be packing my Thieves Spray to make sure that I spray all surfaces in the hotel room.

My husband laughs when I do this but honestly, when you read the study done by the researchers from the University of Virginia Health System on the presence of germs in a hotel you'd be this prepared too!

The study found that when a consumer checks into a hotel, many times they find the previous guest has left something behind -- their cold! They found that many objects in the hotel room were contaminated by the previous guests.

Dr. Owen Hendley, professor of pediatrics in the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the UVa Health System said "To my surprise, in a hotel room occupied overnight by an adult with a cold, everything from television remote controls, telephones, light switches and faucets were contaminated with rhinovirus".

Thieves Spray kills germs on contact and its so portable. Take it with you wherever you go and are sure to run into unwanted germs. Thieves essential oil blend has been university tested for its effects against unwanted microorganisms.

I will be prepared not to pick up any unwanted germs on this quick getaway and I most sincerely hope that the next occupant of my bed and breakfast room has some Thieves Spray on hand for their stay because, sadly, I will be arriving with a cold!

Do you need help with ordering Young Living Products or do you have a question about the product line? Contact me, I would be happy to help you!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Friday, June 27, 2008

Infants Exposed to Reproductive Toxins from Shampoo, Lotion, and Powder

On February 4, 2008 a study appeared in the journal Pediatrics that showed, for the first time, that infants are exposed to potent reproductive toxins called phthalates from everyday baby products, including shampoo, lotion, and powder. The study found elevated levels of phthalates in the urine of babies who recently had baby products applied to them.

Studies have implicated pthalates as an endocrine disruptor, or chemical that mimics the body's natural hormones, and leads to disruptive effects ranging from cancers to birth defects.

Despite these studies the federal government does not limit their use of pthalates, even though California and some European countries will have restricted their use beginning in 2009. And further, the FDA does not require companies to test thier products for safety; this includes products we use on our babies and children! Often times we blindly trust that if the product is made for children it must be safe.

We must protect our children when we can and replace these toxic products with products that are chemical free. Educate yourself so that you can make wise choices. The Enviornmental Working Group set up a database with vital information on the contents of personal care products. You can check it out here

Young Living's KidScents personal care products are non-toxic and free of the questionable ingredients commonly used in other children's formulations.

KidScents products contain only the highest quality ingredients that contribute to healthier skin and hair along with soothing and calming pure essential oils that help children relax and unwind after a busy day.

Take a look at some of the excellent ingredients in KidScents products:

  • MSM -- an organic form of sulfur that is excellent for softening the skin.

  • Wheat Germ Oil -- rich, lush oil that is high in vitamins E and B.

  • Grape Seed Extract -- one of the strongest antioxidants known.

  • Aloe Vera Gel -- has been used to assist healing of the Skin.

  • Vitamin E -- protects the skin against oxidative damage.

  • Olive Oil -- a moisturizing agent that will not clog pores.

If you have any questions about the KidScents Product line or if you need assistance placing an order please contact me. I'd be happy to help!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Your Mama was Right and Studies are Proving it…..

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Statistics tell us that only one in four adults eats breakfast and many people are missing out on its important benefits.

Did you know that eating breakfast improves overall nutrition, the ability to concentrate, and the ability to control weight?

Other studies have reported that those who eat breakfast start their day in a better mood, and have more energy to burn. And still other research shows that eating breakfast on a daily basis is one of the most effective ways to lower bad cholesterol (or maintain an already low level) and to reduce the risk of developing hypertension and type-2 diabetes.

Need I go on? By simply adding breakfast to your morning repetoire you can make a great impact on your well being! Be warned though, not all breakfasts will yield the same results.

To make certain you get all the great benefits from your breakfast make sure it supplies at least one quarter of the calories you need for the entire day and that it includes those ingredients that most nutritionists agree make a nutritious breakfast:
  1. At least one serving of fiber

  2. At least one fruit and/or vegetable

  3. Milk or another source of calcium

  4. Protein, i.e., from nuts, meat, cheese or eggs
You can make this habit even easier by adding Young Living’s Balance Complete to your morning routine!

Balance Complete is a superfood meal replacement that contains the same NingXia Wolfberries found in Young Living’s NingXia Red Juice. For those pressed for time or wanting something simple and tasty, Balance Complete is quick to prepare while providing you with high fiber and high protein. It contains the good fats, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals needed for a nutritionally dynamic meal.

I drink Balance Complete most mornings. I mix it with my NingXia Red Juice and Hemp or Almond milk. This is a great way for me to make sure I have my breakfast and it certainly ties me over until I can find a moment to sit and eat. Its cleansing properties are an added bonus too.

For more information on Balance Complete click here

Make smart choices to start your day and your body will reward you tremendously!

If you have any questions regarding any of the Young Living Products please contact me and I would be more than happy to assist you.

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Beach Bag Essentials - Oils that is!

Ahhh, Summer - its officially here!

Despite the debate as to whether the Summer Solstice (the unofficial mark of Summer's start) is the 20th or 21st of June, I know its here because the kids are finally done with school and my thoughts are turning to lazy days and fun times.

If you live in the proximity of the beach then another unofficial mark to the start of summer is the packing of the beach bag.

My beach bag has expanded to more than one bag over these last few years, heck, just needing 6 beach towels will do that! But for the most part my beach bag still includes the basics with a few extras for the little ones. Gotta keep 'em happy!

Here are some suggestions for a well packed beach bag. Some are no-brainers but there are a few "essential" additions that just might make that trip to the shore a bit more enjoyable:

  • Beach Bag - of course, can't pack a beach bag without a bag

  • Sunscreen - I know you don't need to be reminded of this however, I did want to point you to a report of the best and worst sunscreens with regard to the amount of chemicals they possess and their effectivness. Take a look at the Enviornmental Working Group's Report they released last year and choose wisely. I think you'll be surprised, like me, to find that 85% of 1,074 sunscreen products they tested had inadequate protection from the sun, or contain ingredients with significant safety concerns.

  • Water - goes without saying. Try spiking your water with a couple of drops of Lemon Essential Oil or Peppermint Essential Oil. Both are very refreshing and envigorating. Read how great Lemon water is for you here.

  • Snacks - Add some non-perishable high energy snacks in your beach bag and even when the cooler is empty there will be snacks available. I like to keep pouches of NingXia Red, trail mix, or granola bars. I'm going to order the new Manna Bars and add them to my bag. They'd be a good addition as they are loaded with great whole food nutrition and they sound super yummy!

  • A Good Read - The beach is a great time to catch up on your reading, so grab something new from the Bestseller List or that book that you've been meaning to read for years. I'm starting my summer reading with Quantum Wellness by Kathy Freston.

  • Disposable Camera - capture those precious moments without the worry of having your good camera getting ruined.

  • Peppermint Essential Oil - great for helping you cool down! Add a couple of drops to your water, rub on your feet, or you can put a few drops on a bandana to wear around the head for summer cooling. Mixing Peppermint and Lavender oil with water makes a very simple and pleasant Cooling Spritz (see recipe below).

  • Lavender Essential Oil - Make a Cooling Spritz and Sunburn soother in portable spray bottles and add to your bag (see recipes below). Feeling a little stinky? Apply a couple of drops of Lavender under your arms to use as a portable deodorant. Lavender will not only cover any unpleasant odor, it also prevents the occurrence of odor-causing bacteria.

  • Lavaderm Cooling Mist - if you don't want to make your own Sunburn Soother than you can purchase this pre-made skin soother. It includes Lavender Essential Oil and Aloe Vera. Its great as a first aid spray and for soothing bug bites!

  • If you purchase an Essential 7 Kit you'd have 3 essential oils mentioned in this post.....

  • Horsefly Repellent - to me, nothing can ruin my day at the beach more then when those pesky, biting, flies arrive to nibble on our toes, and legs, and arms and well, you get the picture. You can repell them by making a floral water with Idaho Tansy essential oil (see the recipe below). Bathing on the dock of the bay? Then mosquitos may be your problem. Check out my Mosquitoes Bugging You? post for an insect repelling recipe.

  • Cornstarch - easliy removes sand from your feet. If you'd like to make it more refreshing add some essential oils (see the recipe below). Please don't use babypowder. Inhaling baby powder has been linked with respiratory illnesses.

  • Garbage Bag - please bring an extra bag with you to stash your trash! While you're at it, do what my family does and get each one in your beach party to pick up their trash and one extra piece of trash. The beach critters and us loyal beach goers would greatly appreciate it!

Order Young Living Essential Oils here.......


    Lavender and Peppermint Cooling Spritz

    Add 5 drops Lavender and 1 drop Peppermint to 1 cup distilled water. Spritz on arms and legs to help you cool down. Do not spray near face; if you wish to use this mixture near the face, dampen a cloth and lightly apply to the face.

    Sunburn Soother

    Add 20 drops Lavender to 1 ounce water and 1 ounce Aloe vera. Spray on affected areas as needed.

    Horsefly Repellent

    Add 10-20 drops of Idaho Tansy Essential Oil to a spray bottle filled with distilled water. Spray generously on exposed skin being careful to avoid the eyes.

      Foot Powder
      Measure the cornstarch and pour it into a widemouthed glass jar or a spice powder container. Then add the essential oils. Tighten the cap, and let the foot powder sit for a day. Shake before using.

      Chamomile: 20 drops
      Clove: 5 drops
      Cinnamon: 5 drops
      Cornstarch: 2 Tbsp

      Foot Powder Recipe from 500 Formulas for Aromatherapy: Mixing Essential Oils for Every Use by Carol & David Schiller, ©1994.

      Happy Summer! I hope you enjoy it and that you create many special memories with your family and friends!

      If you have any questions or need help placing an order please contact me. I'd be more than happy to assist!

      Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

        Friday, June 20, 2008

        Look At All The Great New Products Released at the Young Living 2008 Convention!!

        Last week Young Living introduced fabulous new products at the 2008 Convention. There is much buzz about them and when you take a look below you will see why.

        Personally, I am very excited about the Essential Oil Roll-Ons (especially Valor), The Kid's Mighty-Vites (I have been waiting for these for my children), and how can I not be excited about the new Ultra Sonic Diffuser? After all I am a diffusing junkie!

        Take a look and see what new products spark your excitement...

        Essential Oil Roll-Ons
        Three new, portable, no-mess roll-on application.

        Deep Relief™ (#3534) - a proprietary blend of wintergreen, peppermint, Palo Santo, copal, and other formulated to relieve muscle soreness and tension.

        Tranquil™ (#3533) - a proprietary blend of lavender, cedarwood, and Roman chamomile formulated to calm and relax the body and mind.

        Valor ®(#3529) - an empowering combination of therapeutic-grade essential oils that works with both the physical and spiritual aspects of the body to increase feelings of strength, courage, and self-esteem in the face of adversity. Renowned for its strengthening qualities, Valor enhances an individual's internal resources. It has also been found to help energy alignment in the body.


        EndoGize (#3090) - is especially formulated to support a healthy and balanced endocrine system in women. How to use: Take 1 capsule twice daily. Use daily for four weeks. Discontinue for two weeks before resuming.

        KidScents MightyVites Chewables (#3215) - Using nutrient-dense whole food sources, the new MightyVites contain superfruits, plants and veggies that deliver the full-spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients for children's developing bodies. The new MightyVites chewable tablets feature an enhanced vitamin-mineral source and two new and improved natural flavors: orange cream and mixed berry. Using nutrient-dense whole food sources, the new MightyVites contain superfruits, plants and veggies that deliver the full-spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients for children's developing bodies. The new MightyVites chewable tablets feature an enhanced vitamin-mineral source and two new and improved natural flavors: orange cream and mixed berry.

        Balance Complete™ (#3292) - New formula - is a super-food-based meal replacement that is both a powerful nutritive energizer and a cleanser. Offering the benefits of Ningxia wolfberry powder, brown rice bran, barley grass, extra virgin coconut oil, aloe vera, cinnamon powder, and our premium whey protein blend, Balance Complete is high in fiber, high in protein, and contains the good fats, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals needed for a nutritionally dynamic meal. Balance Complete also features Young Living's proprietary V-Fiber™ blend, which supplies an amazing 11 grams of fiber per serving, absorbs toxins, and satisfies the appetite while balancing the body's essential requirements.

        Manna Bars

        Apple/Cinnamon #3076 & Apricot #3075) - a healthy and delicious snack, Manna Bars are full of natural flavors and nutrient-rich whole foods like juicy apples, wolfberries, crunchy almonds, seven whole grains, pumpkin and sesame seeds, and essential oils.

        Power Meal (#6300) - a delicious, satisfying, rice-based meal replacement, Power Meal is rich in calcium, antioxidants and amino acids, and delivers an impressive 20 grams of protein per serving plus a complete vitamin, mineral and enzyme profile.

        Order New Young Living Products Here...

        Lavender Signature Collection

        All-natural personal care products infused our pure, therapeutic-grade lavender oil.

        Lavender Lip Balm (#5203) - Repair and moisturize lips with nourishing blend of ingredients such as lavender essential oil, jojoba oil, and vitamin E.

        Lavender Bath Gel (#5202) - relax your body and rejuvenate your mind with a soothing bath of nature's finest lavender essential oil. All-natural ingredients work to refresh and condition your skin as you unwind from your busy day. Pour directly into the water for a luxurious bubble bath, or drop a quarter-sized amount onto a bath sponge and lather.

        Lavender Hand & Body Lotion (#5201) - bring life back to your skin with this all-natural lightweight moisturizer infused with skin-loving lavender essential oil. Added nutrients such as wolfberry seed and jojoba oils fortify your skin's natural moisture barrier to maintain long-lasting hydration.

        Lavender-Rosewood Bar Soap (#3673) - soothe and soften the skin as you cleanse with a nourishing all-natural formulation of ingredients such as aloe vera, jojoba oil, and nature's finest lavender essential oil.

        Thieves Dental Floss

        Thieves Dental Floss - infused with Thieves® and peppermint essential oil. Available in 3 pack (#4464) or single (#4463).Companion products: Thieves Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste (#3744) and Thieves Mouthwash (#3683) - both are highly recommended!


        Travel Fan Diffuser (#4457) - convenience and portability to essential oil diffusing. The Travel Fan is capable of diffusing any essential oil. It diffuses by blowing cool air through the essential oil pad, releasing the therapeutic benefits of the essential oil into the air and allowing the oils to be easily absorbed. The Travel Fan Diffuser uses a quiet but powerful mini fan and all natural high-density essential oil pads, and has output that can fill room as large as 1000 sq. ft. Includes 1 lavender essential oil (5ml).

        Ultrasonic Diffuser (#4456) - an essential oil atomizer that can diffuse any essential oil. Using an optimal frequency of 2,400,000 cycles/second, Young Living's Ultrasonic Diffuser atomizes cold water and essential oils, breaking up molecules into a microscopic mist. Capable of diffusing any essential oil, this new model offers a deeper well enabling longer more continuous diffusing without frequent refilling. Other unique features include a timer, with five different cycle option; a soothing light system guaranteed to set a calming mood in any room in your home; and three different diffusion rates for easy saturation control, all of which are unique to Young Living.The Ultrasonic Diffuser includes 1 lavender essential oil (5ml) and 1 Citrus Fresh essential oil (5ml).

        Essential Oils

        Feelings Kit (#3125) - features six essential oil blends formulated by D. Gary Young to promote emotional clearance and self renewal. This collection includes Valor, Harmony, Forgiveness, Inner Child, Release and Present Time.

        RutaVaLa (#3419) - promotes relaxation of the body and mind. It helps ease tension and relieve stress. The blend helps overcome negative feelings while encouraging a positive attitude and comfort.

        If you have any questions about all these new wonderful products or if I can assist you in placing an order please contact me. I'd be happy to help!

        Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

        Thursday, June 19, 2008

        The Lighter Side of Lemon

        In my previous post Alkalize with Lemon I spoke about the many health benefits of Lemon Essential Oil . But you should know there is a lighter, more practical side to Lemon and if you have children you will find that Lemon Essential Oil is a must have in your bag of tricks!

        Did you know that Lemon Essential Oil is great for getting sticky stuff off of things?

        It works great for getting stickers off of purchased items, gum out of hair, and sticky stuff from hands like tree sap from playing with pine cones. Simply drip a drop or two on the area, gently spread around and wipe clean.

        In the case of gum in hair, drip a drop or two of the oil on the hair and work in and around the gum. You will see it loosen and you can remove it - scissor free!

        How about those annoying "temporary tattoos"? You know the ones I am talking about; the ones that really aren't temporary but instead hang around for a week or so as they slowly fade away. Drip a drop or two of Lemon Essential Oil onto the tattoo, spread it around and then see how quickly it wipes off.

        Get Young Living Essential Oils here...

        Oh, and don't you love that food coloring that surrounds your child's mouth from the ice cream man's ice pops or those wonderful juices the kids love so much? No amount of scrubbing seems to rid those little mouths of the evidence. Lemon Essential Oil does! Put some on your finger, rub onto the affected area and gently wipe off the evidence.

        Here's a good one for you, Lemon Essential Oil removes marker from your child's skin - in our case my son's face.

        My son attended a "Pirate" birthday party and he proudly came home with a mustache drawn on his face. It wasn't until later in the evening (he wouldn't let me remove it a moment earlier) that I received a phone call from a mother whose child attended the party and she exclaimed "can you believe the mother used marker on their faces?". She went on to inform me how she had her son in the tub and had been scrubbing his face to no avail. She wanted to know if I was able to get the mustache off of my child. I giggled, pulled out my Lemon Essential Oil and was again amazed at the ease of removal. No scrubbing, no screaming, just the beautiful scent of oil.

        How about the inevitable trips to the port-o-john? They're fun huh? I think they are for sure a mother's true nightmare!! If you happen to have a bottle of lemon essential oil with you (because you had it for your water ) take advantage of the antiseptic properties of the lemon and use it to clean your little darling's hands. Just a drop or two rubbed on the hands will be sure to kill any germs they picked up!

        "When life gives you lemons make lemonade" couldn't be more true for Lemon Essential Oil!!!

        If you have any questions or need help placing an order, please contact me. I would be happy to help!

        Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

        Tuesday, June 17, 2008

        R.C.™ To The Rescue

        I love when my essential oils alleviate a symptom or heal me or my family without the use of over the counter medicines or prescription drugs.

        When my oils bring comfort to my family it brings me great satisfaction and helps reaffirm, for me, that there are natural solutions that can be used to help my family maintain their health and bring us relief when needed.

        Last night my essential oils came to the rescue and brought with it great relief and great satisfaction!!

        Last night one of my dear children started in with her allergy related croupy cough. It was a threatening cough and I became concerned for our night ahead and the possibility that I would be waking in the middle of the night to administer a nebulizer to my daughter. Even my husband had that "we are in for it tonight" look on his face as my daughter headed for bed.

        I have had great success with R.C.™ and Raven essential oils in the past for congestion issues with my children so I decided to pull out the R.C.™ . I mixed it with some sesame oil and rubbed it on my daughter's chest and back. I then gave her some homemade Honey Horehound cough medicine and silently said a little prayer that sleep would be in our lives this evening.

        My daughter settled in nicely and I was very hopeful. About 3 hours into my sleep I awoke to her coughing. I knew in my heart that I needed to either get her more cough medicine and/or put some more oil on her chest and if I didn't, for sure, I would be pulling out the nebulizer to help her breath. I dreaded waking her for this ordeal but if I didn't do something I wasn't going to be able to get myself back to sleep due to my fretting over what was to come.

        I decided that I would do the least disruptive solution and that was to set up the diffuser in her bedroom.

        Read About Diffusing Here

        I added about 20 drops of the R.C.™ oil into the diffuser and started it up. Once the oil began circulating in the room my daughter's coughing stopped immediately and she didn't make another sound the entire evening. When she woke in the morning her cough was no longer a croupy cough but sounded more like a cough that was breaking up. Even better, she barely coughed all day!

        R.C.™ is an Essential Oil blend created by Young Living and consists of four different eucalyptus oils and other oils that are perfect for supporting the respiratory system. This oil blend is very beneficial in the diffuser to decongest and relieve allergy-type symptoms such as coughs, sore throat, and lung congestion.

        Order Young Living Essential Oils Here...

        Please contact me if you have any questions or need help placing an order. I'd be happy to assist you.

        Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

        Disclaimer: This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for medical care or to prescribe treatment for any specific health condition. This information has not been evaluated by the Federal Food & Drug Administration.

        Increase Your Intake of Fruits and Vegetables

        A study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the National Cancer Institute revealed that most Americans are not consuming the daily recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables suggested by the USDA MyPyramid diet guideline.

        The pyramid is based on age, gender, and activity level but generally recommends that Americans consume at least two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables each day as part of a healthy diet. Because of the far reaching benefits that fruits and vegetables provide, most experts in the field of nutrition argue the USDA recommendations are still low. Walter C. Willett, M.D. author of the national bestseller Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating, recommends fruits be eaten 2-3 times/day and vegetables eaten in abundance.

        Do a simple Google search using “fruits and vegetables” and it quickly becomes clear why eating fruits and vegetables are so important. I did just this at my favorite health related website ( and here is a sampling of the headlines I found:

        And the headlines went on and on, for 12 pages to be precise. If you were to read just one of these articles there would be no question as to why increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables is probably the single best thing you can do for your health.

        So, we know we need to add more fruits and vegetables but how can you make this work for you? Easy, upgrade your diet by adding one more fruit or one more vegetable into your daily diet. Or, even easier, you can supercharge your upgrade by simply adding one ounce of NingXia Red® to your diet.

        NingXia Red is a naturally delicious, nutrient-infused wolfberry drink that will energize, fortify, and replenish your body. Whole Ningxia wolfberries and other nutrient-dense fruit juices, like blueberry and pomegranate make NingXia Red the perfect choice for optimizing wellness and stepping up to a whole new level of health.

        Young Living NingXia Red vs. Noni

        To order NingXia Red click here.

        If you have any questions please contact me and I'd be happy to answer them for you.

        Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

        Sunday, June 15, 2008

        Alkalize with Lemon Essential Oil

        health benefits of drinking lemon essential oil flavored water alkalizeHave you ever stumbled across something that was so simple to do, that took very little effort to add to your life, and brought great rewards? I love these kinds of moments because simple and me go perfect together. And when these ideas affect my health in a big way, well, for me, its like hitting the lottery!

        I have one of those simple ideas for you and the effect it will have on your health is huge! Ready?

        Drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice in it every morning. Better yet, drink lemon water throughout your day. What's so great about lemon water?

        Lemon water is very alkalizing and when your body is in an alkaline state your body functions more optimally.

        The body's entire metabolic process depends on an alkaline environment. When we ingest too many acidic or acid-producing foods, excess acid corrodes tissues and organs, which leads to illness, sickness and disease. In addition, acid also provides a favorable environment for harmful bacteria and other micro organism that can damage organs, glands and body cells.

        Its nice to know that simply drinking a glass of lemon water can help maintain the alkalinity of the body and ward off the acid that causes so much damage, but there are additional benefits to drinking lemon water. Here are a few:

        Benefits of drinking Lemon Essential Oil Flavored Water:

        • Cleanses the digestive system and helps eliminate waste products from the body more efficiently.

        • It prevents the problem of constipation and diarrhea from taking place, by ensuring smooth bowel functions.

        • Relieves symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, bloating and belching.

        • Good Source of Vitamin C.

        • Enhances the beauty of your skin, rejuvenating it from within.

        • Cleanses and aids in eliminating waste in the liver.

        • Helps cleanse the kidneys.

        • Eliminates water retention and helps with weight reduction.

        • Lemon is antiseptic thereby able to help reduce or prevent infection

        • Contains calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

        • Lemon juice has been known to relieve asthma.

        • When served hot, offers relief from cold and flu symptoms while providing some much needed Vitamin C.

        • Flushes out body toxins

        • enhances concentration and decision making

        • contains over 68% d-limonene. D-limonene has been extensively studied for its ability to combat tumor growth in over 50 clinical studies.

        Great stuff right? HUGE benefits very little effort. AWESOME!! Add some Lemon water to your life and see if you don't feel the benefits!

        You can make this an easy habit to incorporate by using Lemon Essential Oil. A bottle of lemon essential oil is so portable it makes drinking lemon water throughout the day simple and lets face it, it sure beats carrying lemons around with you

        In addition to convenience Lemon Essential Oil is concentrated so a little bit goes a long way. You should know that it takes 3000 lemons to produce 1 kilo (2.2lbs) of lemon oil. Imagine how much benefit you'll receive from 1 drop of lemon oil in your water.

        Order 100% Pure Lemon Essential Oil here...

        Want to learn more about Lemon Essential Oil? Check out these related articles:

        The Lighter Side of Lemon

        Make your Own Flavored Water using Essential Oils

        Lemon Product Information Page

        Check out what others are saying about Young Living's Lemon Essential Oil here.

        Let me help you discover the benefits of Lemon Essential Oil, contact me, I'd be happy to help you.

        Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

        PLEASE NOTE: The information in this post is based solely on the use of 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils due to their high quality and tested purity. Do not ingest any essential oil that is not 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade.

          Friday, June 13, 2008

          Join Essential Rewards and Receive Free Products

          Its easy to fall in love with Young Living products and once you do its only natural to want to try more. Young Living has a great program to help you try new products and save money while you do it. It's called Essential Rewards. I've highlighted the benefits of the program below but if you'd like to read about the program you can view the Essential Rewards Brochure here.

          Benefits Of The Essential Rewards Autoship Program:

          • Guaranteed monthly shipments of your favorite Young Living products. You maintain the date you want your order to be placed.

          • Discounted pricing. If you are currently signed up as a Retail Customer, when you sign up for Essential Rewards you become a Preferred Customer which gives you a savings of 12% over the customer pricing. If you are a wholesale member your pricing remains the same.

          • Exclusive product packages that are only available for Essential Reward members. Click here to see the Essential Reward Autoship Packs (scroll past the Start Living Kits to view).

          • Reduced Shipping Rates - Essential Rewards members pay a $6.50 flat fee for shipping charges on their monthly order (up to 7 pounds) within the continental US (ground shipping only) and a $10 flat fee for shipping charges (up to 7 pounds) to HI and AK.

          • Earn Free Products - Essential Rewards Credits are redeemable for FREE products. Earn FREE product credits of 10%-20% on each Essential Rewards Autoship order! The longer you are in the program the greater your rewards become. Note: Members must participate in Essential Rewards for two months before they can begin to redeem their Essential Rewards credits for FREE products. Generally, 1 credit is equivalent to 1 PV. Redeem your points by calling Order Entry at 1-800-371-2928.

          • Qualification for additional compensation and bonus rewards. By being part of the Essential Reward Program you are ensured of meeting the PV requirements to earn commission and bonuses, some of which are designed specifically for Essential Reward members. Our Matching Bonus, Team Performance Bonus, and Star Performance Bonus are just a few of the ways Essential Rewards members have access to additional cash rewards.

          • Free quarterly Wellness Essentials product training and support CDs. These CDs are great to help you learn about new products and how to use existing products.

          • Essential Rewards Members are eligible to participate in "members only" specials

          • There is no hassle if you want to quit Essential Rewards. Simply call Distributor Network Service so they can let you know if you have any rewards you'll want to use before you opt out of the program.

          How Can You Enroll in the Essential Rewards Program?

          • If you are already a Distributor/Wholesale Customer then simply visit the Young Living Website by clicking here, log in using your member name or number and password, click on Essential Reward Autoship (button on the left hand side of screen) and follow the screen prompts for setup.

          • If you are a Retail Customer and want to change your status to Preferred Customer (for discounted pricing by using the Essential Rewards Program) or you want to become Wholesale Customer/Distributor then you will need to change you're account by calling Distributor Network Services at 1-800-371-2928

          Personally, I have been rewarded with lots of free products by using my Essential Rewards. You should give it a try; you really can't go wrong.

          If you need assistance in changing your customer status please contact me, I'd be happy to help!

          Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

            Thursday, June 12, 2008

            Natural Insect-Repelling String Ties

            WOW!! How timely is this? I was researching information for another post when I ran across this really cool project to make Natural Insect Repelling String Ties. This is from one of my favorite sites Abundant Health and their project is a perfect follow up for this morning's Mosquito post.

            Looks like another great way to rid the house of those skeeters!

            Natural Insect-Repelling String Ties

            These insect-repelling string ties are really easy to make, and are great for keeping insects away from camping areas, picnic tables, and other outdoor events! The compact case/dispenser this string is stored in is small enough that it can easily be taken backpacking, hiking, biking, or on any other outdoor excursion.

            Ingredients Needed:

            1. Cotton yarn or thick string: This can be found at most any fabric or craft store. Yarn or string made from other absorbent materials may work as well, but cotton seems to work really well for this project.

            2. 1 oz. plastic salve container: This is used as a container/dispenser for the yarn or string.

            3. 15 ml amber glass spray bottle: This is used to mix the essential oil blend and jojoba together in. Other small glass bottles or containers can be used as well, but the 15 ml spray bottle has the added benefit that when you are done using it, you can add some distilled water to the bottle to create your own insect-repelling spray!

            4. Jojoba oil: This can be found in many health or soap-making supply stores. Other unscented vegetable oils can also be used as carrier oils for this project, but they may go rancid if unused for a long time. Jojoba oil, which is technically a liquid wax rather than a true oil, tends to be more stable than regular vegetable oils.

            5. Essential oils: This recipe calls for lavender, lemongrass, peppermint, and thyme essential oils. If desired, however, you can substitute other insect-repelling essential oils (like citronella) or other oil blends.


            1. Wind cotton yarn into a ball or coil until it is approximately 1.5" in diameter (if you coil the yarn, it may be easiest to wind it around a small 1" long wood dowel).

              1. Place the ball/coil into the 1 oz. plastic salve container.

              2. In the 15 ml glass bottle, blend 50 drops lavender, 50 drops lemongrass, 30 drops peppermint, and 10 drops thyme essential oils (or you can substitute 100-150 drops of your own desired essential oil or blend).

              3. Add jojoba oil to the essential oils until the 15 ml glass bottle is nearly full. Cap or cover the bottle opening and shake the bottle for a few seconds to help mix the oils. Allow the oil mixture to sit for a few minutes to allow it to meld together.

              4. Slowly pour about 1/2 of the oil mixture onto the yarn ball/coil inside the plastic container, allowing the oil to soak into the yarn before pouring more. Turn the ball/coil over, and pour the remaining 1/2 of the oil mixture onto the other side of the ball/coil. (If you want to make an insect-repelling spray in the 15 ml bottle, leave a small amount of the oil mixture remaining in the glass bottle, then add distilled water to the oil mixture until the bottle is nearly full. Screw the spray top on the bottle. To use the spray, shake the bottle vigorously for a few seconds to mix the oil and water, then spray in the desired location as needed).

              5. Screw the lid onto the 1 oz. plastic salve container, and let the container sit for 2-3 hours to allow the oil mixture to soak thoroughly into the yarn.
                To use the insect-repelling string ties, remove the desired length of string from the container and tie it onto tree branches, fences, tents, poles, or other objects around the desired area (if you tie them onto tree branches, be sure to remove them when finished, or the string may end up causing damage as the branch tries to grow wider).

                Extra Ideas:

                Convert the 1 oz. salve container into a great dispenser for your string with a few easy steps. Drill a small hole (approximately the same diameter as the yarn or string you used) through the lid of the container. Thread a small amount of the yarn/string through the bottom of the hole in the lid. Screw the lid back onto the container, being certain to hold onto the yarn/string that has been threaded through the hole so it doesn't slip back down through the hole. Apply a small label or sticker over the top of the hole and yarn to help seal the container until needed. To dispense from this container, simply pull the desired length of yarn/string through the hole, then carefully cut the yarn/string approximately 1" above the hole.

                For a more formal event, create insect-repelling strings from two or more complimentary colors. Hang the different colors in attractive patterns, braid the colors together, or twist the colors together to create a decorative element with the strings.

                Please contact me if you have any questions or need help ordering any of the oils.

                Yours in Scentsible Wellness,
              1. Mosquitoes Bugging You?

                It's that time of year when the mosquitoes come calling. For my family it means we have to be ready to fight one of our biggest outdoor challenges so we can enjoy some outdoor fun.

                We live in a highly wooded yard and the mosquitoes can get so bad my children will actually fore go outdoor activities rather than be bitten by these loathsome critters. I can't very well blame them especially when I see the welts these pests leave on their delicate skin. More worrisome then the welts are the chance of contracting West Nile virus or the other diseases that mosquitoes carry. Yet we have to get outside!

                Aggressive action is needed at our house to win the battle of Us vs. The Mosquitoes; and that is exactly what we do! We use a variety of methods to manage the mosquitoes. We use a propane powered Mosquito Trap, we hang pheromone Mosquito Traps, we use candles with drops of essential oils in them when we dine outside and we have my children's favorite mosquito warfare tactic - shooting them down with water guns. But the one action I won't take is spraying bug spray that contains DEET on my children.

                Yes, DEET is the most powerful insect repellent made but I can't bring myself to apply this chemical onto my children and here's why. DEET is known to cause neurological damage, and once it enters the bloodstream, it makes its way to the nervous system, where it is known to cause seizures and even deaths.

                DEET can be especially harmful to children, which is why The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than one application of DEET per day for children. Okay, great, so one application a day won't cause any damage? But what happens over time when my children's bodies have absorbed years of DEET use? No Thanks, I don't want to know! I'll stick to my homemade bug sprays made with essential oils!!

                Essential oils work wonderfully to repel mosquitoes without any neurological damage ;-) and when you use Soybean oil as the base for the lotion you will have a very effective mosquito repellent. An efficacy test at the University of Florida on various types of repellents indicated that a soybean oil-based repellent is as effective as repellents with low concentrations of DEET and when USDA researchers tested the success of a soybean oil repellent, they found that it provided protection from bites between 5 and 8 hours, depending on the species of mosquito they studied.

                Essential Oils to Use for Natural Mosquito Repellent:

                Single Oils - Peppermint, Eucalyptus Radiata, Lemon, Lime, Lavender, Tea Tree, Cedarwood, Geranium, Idaho Tansy, Rosemary, Patchouli, Citronella, Lemongrass, Thyme

                Young Living Blends - Purification, Thieves, Melrose

                The following Blend is found in the Essential Oils Desk Reference (3rd Edition)

                Insect Repellent Blend
                6 drops Peppermint
                6 drops Tea Tree
                9 drops Eucalyptus Radiata

                How To Use Essential Oils as Mosquito Repellent:

                1. Make a lotion using 10 drops of essential oil to 2 Tablespoons Soybean Oil.

                2. Make a spray by mixing the essential oils with water in a spray bottle. Shake the mix before using and take care not to spray the eyes.

                3. Having a party? Cut some festive fabric into strips and dip into the insect repellent blend or one of the insect-repelling essential oils mixed with water and hang or tie to trees around your yard to make a natural barrier for the mosquitoes.

                4. Add a few drops of your choice of insect-repelling essential oils to your shampoo, conditioner, or liquid soap to help counteract the perfumes in these products that attract the mosquitoes.

                5. Wear a Terra-Cotta Pendant Simply put a few drops of the insect-repelling essential oils onto the pendant and wear it around your neck. These pendants will diffuse the oils in your space and keep the mosquitoes away.

                6. Add a few drops of Cinnamon Oil to standing water such as bird baths and rain barrels. According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Cinnamon Oil has been found to be more effective in killing mosquito larvae than DEET.

                Please take caution and don't spray or apply any insect repellents over cuts, scratches, rashes, or other open spots in the skin. And note that while these repellents do work, they are certainly not as effective as DEET. You will need to reapply these homemade insect-repellents more often than you do commercial brands but I think you will find the benefits of not absorbing the toxic chemicals far outweighs the reapplication.

                Let me know if you try these solutions and how they work for you.

                Please contact me if you have any questions or need help ordering any of the oils.

                Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

                    Wednesday, June 11, 2008

                    Baby, Its Hot Out There!!

                    Its hard to believe its only the beginning of June. Here in the Northeast we have been seeing temps at 100 degrees and that has been at 3:00 in the afternoon! Are you looking for some relief from the heat? Below are some recipes made with essential oils sure to hit the spot!

                    If you have children, the NingXia Red Creamsicle is not only a tasty treat but is a powerhouse of nutrients you can feel good about your child eating (read more about the nutritional value of NingXia Red here).

                    NingXia Red Creamsicle

                    1 cup Young Living's NingXia Red juice
                    1 cup Vanilla Yogurt
                    1 cup fresh or frozen fruit (strawberries, blueberries, banana, etc.)

                    Blend ingredients in a blender until smooth. Pour into your mold of choice. Freeze about 4 hours, serve.

                    Try and avoid plastic molds because of the chemicals; Some good substitutes might be: a glass Pyrex dish (scoop the frozen mixture into pretty serving dishes). Or, use regular paper cups, nonwaxed - wax is a petro chemical, and stick a wooden popsicle stick in the center, peel the paper cup off for serving.

                    Lavender Vanilla Ice Cream

                    Wow, is this easy and excellent!!! Who would have thought this combination would taste soooo good!

                    1 quart of nice quality vanilla ice cream (soften a bit)
                    2 drops Young Living's Lavender essential oil

                    After the ice cream has softened enough to stir, scoop it out into a mixing bowl. Put 2 drops of Young Living's Lavender essential oil into the ice cream and stir well to disperse the lavender oil. Put the ice cream back into the freezer so it can harden. Serve.

                    Lavender Lemonade

                    7 lemons, peeled and juiced
                    2 limes, peeled and juiced
                    14 c. water
                    1 ½ c. Blue Agave
                    1 drop lavender essential oil

                    Mix all ingredients together and chill. Add more water or Blue Agave, depending on the size and tartness of the fruit.

                    Need help ordering these items? Contact me and I'd be happy to help!

                    Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

                    Remember use only 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Oils such as Young Living Essential Oil in recipes. With other oils you just don't know whats in them.

                    Recipes courtesy of Evelyn Vincent's newsletter, The Very Essence. Evelyn has a wonderful blog called Aromatherapy 4U that you should check out and Young Living's Lavender Farm Blog , also worth a visit.

                    Friday, June 6, 2008

                    Clean Your Air Naturally Without Harmful Chemicals

                    Did you know that when the Natural Resources Defense Council conducted tests on popular air fresheners they found that 12 out of 14 contained the harmful chemical Phthalates (pronounced tha-lates)? Read the report here and see a list of the worst offenders.

                    Phthalates is a hazardous chemical that has been found to cause reproductive problems, birth defects and hormonal abnormalties in humans. In addition, exposure to Phthalates in indoor enviornments has also been associated with allergy symptoms and asthma.

                    Air fresheners release Phthalates into the air where they are inhaled and/or land on the skin and are absorbed. Phthalates are then absorbed into the bloodstream and that is when the problems begin.

                    Clearly, air fresheners are not a good solution for freshening or even cleaning the air, as some air freshener companies’ claim. A safe alternative and one of the best ways to purify and scent the air in your home or office is to use a cold air diffuser with essential oils.

                    A cold air diffuser consists of an air pump (like the pump for a fish tank) that blows room temp air through a tube and into a hand blown glass nebulizer. This action puts micro-fine particles of the essential oil into the air. The anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and antiseptic properties of the essential oils, along with the negative ions and oxygenating molecules that are released when essential oils are diffused, remain suspended in the air to help reduce chemicals, bacteria, and metallics in the air. All added bonuses to scenting the air!

                    What oils should you diffuse? Most single oils are great for diffusing and Young Living offers some blends especially designed for diffusing. Here are some suggestions:

                    Peace and Calming is a wonderful blend to diffuse to create a calm environment. This blend is great for calming overactive children.

                    Purification is specifically designed to purify the air. This blend works great to rid your home or office of odors and air borne bacteria. Diffuse this blend after cooking a seafood meal and you'd never know you had fish for dinner!

                    Thieves Blend was tested by Weber State University and was shown to kill 100% of the airborne bacteria present when diffused into the air. This is a great blend to diffuse in times of illness or to ward off airborne bacteria to prevent illness.

                    Citrus Fresh is a beautiful citrus scent that makes your enviornment smell clean and fresh and works as a great air purifier.

                    Keep your indoor air quality free of Phthalates and at its best by avoiding commercial air fresheners, invest in a cold air diffuser.

                    *Ask me how you can get 50% off a Young Living cold air nebulizing diffuser.*

                    If you have questions or need assistance in placing an order contact me, I will be happy to help you.

                    Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

                    Tuesday, June 3, 2008

                    Alleviate Hay Fever Symptoms Using Essential Oils

                    Raise your hand if you suffer from seasonal allergies or what's better known as hay fever....Ahhh, I thought you might. If you read the statistics you would find that you're far from alone in your suffering. According to recent statistics more than 26.1 million people in the United States alone suffer from hay fever every year. That's a crazy number of people walking around sniffling and snuffling. Well, in actuality, some, or a good many, aren't really walking around sniffling and snuffling they are just walking around feeling the side effects of their prescription medicine which can range from dry mouth, drowsiness, and sluggishness to depression or anxiety. Sadly, many of our children are sufferers of hay fever and they too are feeling the effects of their medication. I just read that their prescription medication may even cause them to have trouble functioning in school. Yikes!! Maybe you're experiencing this first hand or your children are. If you're looking for a way to alleviate the suffering but want to do it naturally read on.

                    There are many causes for hay fever aside from the pollen flying around outside and there are many lifestyle changes that you can do to naturally rid yourself of seasonal allergies but I am going to save that information for another day. For today, I will focus on alleviating your symptoms naturally, using essential oils and without medication.

                    Here is a list of essential oils that are great for sinus relief:

                    • Eucalyptus - acts as an antispasmodic, expectorant and decongestant. You can use any of the Eucalyptus oils or use one of Young Living's eucalyptus blends such as RC or Raven.

                    • Lavender - works as a sedative and antispasmodic and may dull your sensitivity to pollen.

                    • Frankincense - serves as an anti-inflammatory, expectorant and sedative.

                    • Roman Chamomile - may reduce the severity of your immune reaction to pollen.

                    • Harmony Blend - a highly fragrant blend that includes Lavender, Frankincense, and Roman Chamomile. It's like a triple whammy in reducing symptoms.
                    • Peppermint - serves as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti fungal. It has also been found by researchers to block headache pain. Good to know if you suffer from sinus headaches.

                    Try the following methods using the essential oils to reduce the hay fever symptoms:

                    • Diffuse the oils throughout the day in your home or at work. Ideally diffuse the oil 15 mins. every 2 hours as needed. A small appliance timer is great for this purpose. You can find one at Diffuser World.

                    • Add 5-10 drops of oil to a steam vaporizer and breathe the moist air.

                    • Apply 5-10 drops of oil to a tissue or handkerchief. Inhaling deeply from the tissue or handkerchief throughout the day may help reduce inflammation and aid with congestion.
                    • Mix a small amount of oil with Massage Oil Base or V-6 Vegetable Mixing Oil and massage into the chest and over the sinuses. Eucalyptus works especially well for this.
                    • Drop 1-2 drops of oil into the palm of your hand, rub hands together, cup hands over nose and breathe deeply. Peppermint is especially good for this method just be sure to avoid your eyes.
                    • Place Lavender directly on tip of nose and over sinus area on face to relieve congestion.
                    • Place Harmony blend on third eye (center of forehead directly above nose), brain stem, and on tops and bottoms of ears for a surprising release of symptoms.
                    • Use the oils as a gargle to relieve inflammation and itching in the throat. Only use 100% Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils for internal use.
                    • Use a Neti Pot (neti pot search) - this simple little item helps to keep your sinuses clear of allergens such as pollen or dust and is great when you're experiencing sinus congestion. It cleans out the sinuses like no nose blowing can Initially it's very awkward to use but once you get the hang of it you will be glad you did. My children actually ask for the neti pot when they are feeling the effects of their allergies or have a cold. When using the neti pot be sure to use 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon non-iodized sea salt and warm water so you don't experience any burning sensation. For additional relief add a drop or two of lavender or eucalyptus for relief of sinus inflammation.

                    If you want to see the neti pot in use here is a video for your viewing. Its fun to watch just for the giggle effect I mean, really, who auditions for these kinds of parts?

                    As always, I hope you find this information useful. You can E-mail this information to a friend who may be in need of some hay fever relief, heck you must know one of those 26 million sufferers! Leave me a comment and let me know how they work for you or if you have any other natural solutions you'd like to share to help alleviate hay fever symptoms.

                    To order any of these products please visit my Young Living Website.

                    Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

                    Monday, June 2, 2008

                    Homemade Cough Syrups

                    I recently had a request for the homemade honey cough syrup recipe that I made for my children this year. Its a wonderful cough syrup that I am sure some of you could benefit from during this time of allergies when coughs become bothersome. I took a swig tonight and it rid me of the annoying tickling cough that I have been experiencing all day today. Why it took me all day to think of it is beyond me but I am very comfortable now while I type this out.

                    The cough syrup worked great for my family this past cold season; it even worked well on my husband whose coughs are generally tough to kick. Click here to read the article for a couple of different recipes. I can only vouch for the effectiveness of the horehound and honey recipe.

                    If you were to make any of the recipes with the highly antimicrobial Manuka Honey (click here to read about this awesome honey) you’d have a nice homemade cough medicine. Horehound can be found in a natural food market or health food store that sells herbs. I found horehound tea bags and made the recipe that way. Manuka Honey is becoming more popular and also can be found in natural food markets and health food stores.

                    I hope you experiment with these natural cough solutions and utilize the healing benefits of honey. You'll even have a natural solution for your coughs instead of using all those over the counter medicines that are questionable for you and especially your children to use.

                    If it is allergies that you are suffering from, Lavender and Young Living's blend Harmony might be just what the doctor should have ordered. I'll save that for tomorrow's post. Let me know if you try these recipes and how they work for you.

                    Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

                    Sunday, June 1, 2008

                    Discontinued Items List

                    To make room for new, improved essential oil products, Young Living has carefully examined their entire product offering and selected products that will be discontinued over the next 6 months.

                    Before they discontinue these products, you have the opportunity to purchase any that may be among your favorites. The table below list the Item No., Product Name and Alternative Products that you can use as a replacement. Please review the complete list of items to be discontinued below.
                    Of course, I would be happy to help you order any of these items just contact me Elizabethor to order for yourself you can go to my Young Living Website

                    Yours in Scentsible Wellness,