Friday, July 25, 2008

Lavender Essential Oil - Tips for Use

LAVENDER: (Lavandula angustifolia) is the most versatile of all essential oils. Therapeutic-grade lavender has been highly regarded for the skin.

Lavender has been clinically evaluated for its relaxing effects. It may be used to cleanse cuts, bruises and skin irritations.The fragrance is calming, relaxing and balancing – physically and emotionally.

Here is a list of 20 ways to use this versital essential oil:

  1. Rubbing Lavender oil on the feet may cause a calming effect on the body.

  2. Rubbing a drop of Lavender oil on your palms and smoothed on your pillow may help you sleep.

  3. Putting a drop of Lavender oil on a bee sting or insect bite may soothe itching, stinging and discomfort.

  4. Putting 2-3 drops of Lavender oil may soothe a minor burn.

  5. Dropping Lavender oil may soothe a cut.

  6. Mixing several drops of Lavender oil with V-6 Vegetable Mixing Oil and used topically may be soothing to skin irritations.

  7. Possible help in alleviating the symptoms of motion sickness is to place a drop of Lavender oil on the end of the tongue or around the naval or behind the ears.

  8. Rubbing a drop of Lavender oil over the bridge of the nose may help to unblock tear ducts.

  9. Rubbing Lavender oil on dry or chapped skin may bring relief. Rubbing a drop of Lavender oil on chapped or sunburned lips may help discomfort.

  10. Order Your Young Living Lavender Essential Oil Here......

  11. Possible help in reducing and/or minimizing the appearance of scar tissue may be to try massaging Lavender oil on and around the area.

  12. Rubbing 2 – 4 drops of Lavender oil over the armpit area may help act as a deodorant.

  13. Rubbing a drop of Lavender oil between your palms and inhaling deeply may help in alleviating the discomfort of air borne pollen and/or dust.

  14. Rubbing several drops of Lavender oil into the scalp may help with flaking.

  15. Placing a few drops of Lavender oil on a cotton ball and placing in your linen closet to scent the linens and may help repel moths and insects.

  16. Placing a drop of Lavender oil in your water fountain may help to scent the air, help sanitize and prolong the time between cleanings.

  17. Placing a few drops of Lavender oil on a wet cloth and throwing into the dryer, may help to deodorize and freshen your laundry.

  18. Diffusing Lavender oil may support the body’s natural defenses against air borne sensitivities to the skin and immune system.

  19. Spritzing several drops of Lavender oil mixed with distilled water on a sunburn may help soothe it.

  20. Dropping Lavender oil on a cut may help clean the wound, sanitize and soothe it.

  21. Applying 2-3 drops of Lavender oil to a rash may help and soothe the skin.

If you have any questions regarding Lavender or would like help in ordering Lavender, please contact me and I'd be happy to help.

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

The above usage of Lavender was taken from "101 uses For Young Living Essential Oils" - thanks to Peggy Brackett and the many others that have contributed to the creation of this list.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Using Young Living Essential Oils

This is a great video to learn the very basics of using Young Living essential oils. I hope you enjoy it!

Please contact me if you have any questions or need help placing an order. I'd be happy to help you.

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Saturday, July 19, 2008

New Essential Oil Diffusers Scent Your Home or Office

There are many ways to scent our homes and offices. The most popular methods which include candles, potpourri, and plug-in air fresheners may not be the healthiest options for scenting your air (read here about the dangers of chemicals in your air fresheners).

One of the safest and most effective ways to use essential oils to add fragrance to your air is with a cold air diffuser. Not only will your air be cleaned and smell fragrant but you will benefit from the aromatherapy benefits of the essential oils you use in your diffuser.

Cold air diffusers are designed to atomize a microfine mist of essential oils into the air where they remain suspended for several hours. The diffuser disperses the oils without heat and therefore the essential oils retain their therapeutic benefits. Please note: it is not advised to heat essential oils as they lose their therapeutic benefits and may even create toxic compounds in your air.

It is important to only use 100% therapeutic grade essential oils when diffusing. Diffusing any other oils can be harmful to your health. Many oils are adulterated and contain synthetic ingredients including chemicals - things you definitely don't want to have suspended in your air!

Young Living has recently included two new essential oil diffusers to their product line. These new diffusers include the most efficient and effective diffuser technologies.

Take a look at them here:

Ultrasonic Diffuser

Click image to order. This state-of-the-art essential oil atomizer can diffuse any essential oil from lavender to sandalwood. The Ultrasonic Diffuser atomizes cold water and essential oils, breaking up molecules into a cool microscopic mist.

The diffuser also includes five programmed timing cycles; soothing lights to create a relaxing atmosphere in any room in your home; and three different diffusion rates for easy saturation control. If that isn't enough, it also comes with a 5 ml bottle of lavender and Citrus Fresh™ essential oil! Attractive and easy to use, the Ultrasonic Diffuser is ideal for anyone wanting to obtain the most from their essentials oils. To learn more about the Ultrasonic Diffuser click here.

Travel Fan Diffuser

Click image to order. With Young Living's new Travel Fan Diffuser, you can have the personal benefits of diffusing essential oils while vacationing or traveling on business. Young Living's Travel Fan Diffuser is capable of diffusing any essential oil. It works by blowing cool air through the essential oil pad, releasing the therapeutic benefits of the essential oil into the air. The Travel Fan Diffuser has a unique shape with a lightweight design for easy portability, and is perfect for experiencing essentials oils while on the road. Plus, it includes a 5 ml bottle of lavender essential oil! To learn more about the Travel Fan Diffuser click here.
And of course, Young Living still offers their original nebulizing cold air diffuser which come in 3 different colors: bronze, green, or silver.

Click image to order. With Young Living's innovative air pump, oils are dispersed in a micro-fine vapor, allowing them to remain suspended in the air for extended periods of time. The diffuser disperses the oils without heating them so they retain their therapeutic benefits. When inhaled, the oils are easily absorbed through the lungs. Depending on the oil used, diffusing can cleanse the air of odor, calm overactive children, and support respiration. This diffuser is nice because you can set a bottle of essential oil into the well and not worry about refilling until the bottle is empty. It is best to run this diffuser with a Diffuser Timer

Whether you are diffusing essential oils for the therapeutic aromatherapy benefits or to clean or scent the air, Young Living's diffusers are a great choice!

If you have any questions regarding diffusing or you would like to know more about Young Living's essential oil diffusers, please contact me. I would be more that happy to help.

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Dangers of Using Antibacterial Products

Are you familiar with Triclosan? Triclosan is a pesticide; a potent wide spectrum antibacterial and anti fungal agent. Triclosan is one of the most common active ingredients in all the beloved antibacterial products people love.

As a society we are obsessed with killing germs and keeping our environment disinfected. We're even looking for our cutting boards, bibs, and high chairs to include some type of antibacterial protection and the government is hearing our cries.

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), as of July 2008 the federal government has approved the pesticide Triclosan for use in 140 different types of consumer products including liquid hand soap, toothpaste, undergarments and children's toys.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for keeping our homes and bodies clean but this need to kill germs is causing much larger problems for us. The following facts will help explain why:
  • According to the World Health Organization, disinfectant and antibacterial products are resulting in stronger, more resistant bacteria. Triclosan kills most - but not all - of the bacteria it encounters. The germs that survive emerge stronger and harder to kill in the future. This can make normal household germs more resistant.

  • The American Medical Association recommends that triclosan not be used in the home as it may encourage bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

  • A 2002 Swedish study found high levels of triclosan in 3 out of 5 human breast milk samples.

  • A study of over 200 healthy households found that households using antibacterial products did not have any reduced risk for runny noses, coughs, and other symptoms of infectious diseases.

  • Researchers have raised concerns about triclosan and its link to dioxins, which are highly carcinogenic chemicals that can cause severe health problems such as: weakening of the immune system, decreased fertility, altered sex hormones, birth defects, and cancer.

  • Girl Scouts in St. Paul, Minnesota found that when they tried to use triclosan to kill bacteria they were growing for a science fair project, the bacteria actually started growing.

  • Triclosan, when washed down the drain, is making its way into our water system and is highly toxic to a number of different types of algae which are the primary producers in many aquatic ecosystems.

  • When triclosan reacts with chlorine found in tap water, chloroform is produced. The Environmental Protection Agency classifies chloroform as a probable human carcinogen.
  • Research suggests that normal water treatment procedures could convert triclosan into a toxic dioxin and the conversion can be triggered by strong sunlight.

  • Triclosan bio accumulates or becomes concentrated in fatty tissue in humans and animals that are exposed to this chemical.
These facts make it clear, triclosan isn't good for our health or our environment. Unfortunately there are over 973 products listed in the Skin Deep Cosmetic Database containing triclosan. I bet you won't have any trouble finding products you use on this list.

What can you do to make sure that your exposure to this hazardous chemical is limited?

  1. Watch for triclosan (and triclocarban, its chemical cousin) in personal care products. Read ingredient labels and use the Cosmetic Data Base to see which of your current personal care products contain triclosan.

  2. Switch your personal care products to those that are all natural and free of triclosan and other hazardous chemicals such as Young Living Essential Oils. Young Living offers many personal care products that include Skin Care, Hair care, Bath and Shower Products, Kids products and, Oral Hygiene. Click to see the entire essential oil based product line here. (then click on the Personal Care tab)

  3. Switch your antibacterial cleaning supplies for those that are considered natural and non-toxic such as Young Living's Thieves Essential Oil based Household Cleaner

Order Your Triclosan Free Personal Care Products Here.....

  1. Make your own antibacterial cleaning products using essential oils. Essential oils are the lifeblood of a plant and the oil serves as its own chemical defense against fungus and infection. When used outside of the plant the essential oil is a powerful antibacterial and in fact, has been used to neutralize germs as far back as 1887. Here is a great article from another Young Living independent distributor on house cleaning with essential oils.

  2. Forego antibacterial soap. Use Thieves Foaming Soap instead. Its made with the most potent antibacterial essential oils: clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus and rosemary.

  3. Avoid "Antibacterial" Products - these products may be labeled “antibacterial,” or make claims such as “odor-fighting” or “keeps food fresher, longer.” These products may be toys, bedding, bath accessories, and clothing. I think you will be surprised when you view the list of government approved products allowed to contain triclosan here. Shop for natural home items at and Acacia Catalog.
Would you like to learn more about Triclosan and what the Environmental Working Group is doing to help get this hazardous chemical banned? Click here to learn more and if you like what you see and you support what they're doing why not click on their donate button and give them some support.

If you have any questions regarding this information or would like help getting chemicals out of your life, contact me. I'd be happy to help.

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Related information: Rub A Dub Dub....Is Cancer in Your Tub?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

This Month's Special Promotions

Believe Essential Oil Blend

10% Off Believe™ Essential Oil

Get 10% off Believe™ purchases between July 16, 2008, and August 15, 2008.

Discover an uplifting blend of essential oils in Believe™. This blend has a steadying, balancing effect on emotions to help you overcome feelings of despair and move to a higher level of awareness. Believe™ helps release the unlimited potential everyone possesses, making it possible to more fully experience health, happiness, and vitality. Reach your full potential with Believe™ today!

Item No. 3310 10 ml

Promotion details:
Offer valid from 12:00 a.m. MT July 16, 2008, through 11:59 p.m. MT August 15, 2008.
Offer available on regular orders, orders made through the Automated Phone System, and on Essential Rewards orders processed on or before 11:59 p.m. MT on August 15, 2008.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I Am So Sick of Reading Labels!!!

And I'm so tired of needing a degree in chemistry to understand what I am reading. Add to that it bothers me that I have to bring my reading glasses with me to the store in order to read the labels

My trips to the grocery store are getting increasingly longer and longer and I attribute that to my nutritional studies. The more I learn, the more I scrutinize the label of the food I am purchasing. I do this because the stuff they put in foods today just freaks me out!! In addition, I just don't trust the powerful marketing of the food giants!

How many "natural" products have you bought and the package reads "all Natural"? It kind of gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling buying it right? Yet when you read the ingredient list it contains "Natural Flavors"? Are you aware that this could mean a varied version of MSG or other man made chemicals (learn more about natural flavors by reading Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser)? This stinks huh?

With the little bit of knowledge I have in marketing I do understand a manufacturer's need to make their products appealing to the general public but to downright lie to their customers is just wrong.

Take for example the company Sara Lee, Sara Lee makes a bread which in the food industry is called "nutritionally transitional" bread. To you and me this means bread that is made with white flour and whole grain flour and is produced to appeal to the consumer who is beginning to incorporate more whole grains into thier diet.

The Whole Grain Council say that most transitional bread products contain at least 8 grams of whole grains per slice. Sara Lee is making all the whole grain claims and their product contains only 2 grams of whole grain. Read more about this by clicking here.

So what do we have here? We have people who are trying to make the transition to whole grains, most likely parents buying the product for their white bread eating children, and giving themselves a pat on the back because they are doing right by Jr.

I know that feeling. I get it every time my children eat something healthy. To me there is no greater feeling in the world for a parent. Okay, maybe just me cause I am such a nutrition nut, but really, is it right to deceive consumers like this?

The good news, in this case, is the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is seeking an injunction against Sara Lee for its whole grain claims and they're also seeking a general ban on claims that a product is a good source of whole grains without an enforceable FDA standard for such claims. Go CSPI!!!

On the flip side of label reading, we have to be careful about our own assumptions of products. Sometimes we believe that something isn't good for us when in fact it is and sometimes its even healthier than a product we're currently using. I made this blunder with my children's breakfast waffles.

My children love their frozen waffles in the morning. Occasionally I'll make them homemade and when I do, I sneak so many healthy things into the batter that I don't care if my children eat another healthy thing all day.

We have 3 different kinds of frozen waffles in our house: Shane waffles a.k.a. Eggo Waffles (nutritionally deplete but they're the only waffles Shane will eat), Aidan Waffles a.k.a. Van Varieties (a mother's nutritionally packed waffle dream come true) and "treat waffles" reserved for "special" mornings a.k.a Nature's Path Choco Waffles (filled with yummy melted choc chips when they are cooked).

Being a nutritionally conscious mother, when my children ask for waffles for breakfast I always make the treat waffles the last resort. In my mind, chocolate is not for breakfast and I don't want my children starting their day all sugared up.

One morning my oldest son pulled out all the boxes of waffles and challenged me to find out which was the healthiest. I replied "Aidan, of course yours are the healthiest." Imagine my chagrin when I compared the labels and found the Nature's Path Choco Waffles to have the least amount of sugar, the highest protein content, and the most fiber per serving.

Can you guess what my first offering is when they ask for waffles now? I didn't tell my other children our discovery, I just let them eat the chocolate waffles and they think I am the best Mom in the world. Even Shane eats them which, of course, makes this mom all warm and fuzzy.

So, what's my point today and what does this have to do with Young Living Essential Oils?

My point is this, although we may not like it read and compare your food labels. Sometimes we can be misinformed either by the manufacturer (shame on Sara Lee) or by our own selves and the assumptions we make.

Be informed and purchase products from companies that you can trust. Young Living is a company that I trust to provide me and my family with only the best essential oils and nutritional supplements. Why, because I've read their labels and know their commitment to making a fine product. Read more about the company here.

If you have any questions regarding Young Living, contact me. I'd be happy to help you!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Check out this Fun Interactive Foot Chart!

Earlier this week I posted about my children requesting that I rub oils on their feet (read the post here). We rub oils on our feet almost daily and in the winter it becomes part of our morning routine using Thieves Oil Blend to avoid any unwanted germs we may encounter during the day.

Rubbing oils on the feet dates back to biblical times when anointing the feet was common practice. It is a very pleasurable experience indeed but did you know that it can also be a very healing experience too?

According to researcher Jean Valnet,M.D., an essential oil that is directly applied to the skin can pass into the bloodstream and diffuse throughout the tissues in 20 minutes or less (all the more reason why you want to use essential oils that are 100% therapeutic grade.) If you are doubtful about the power of diffusion through the whole body, try rubbing a clove of garlic on the soles of your feet, or put it between your toes, and see how long it takes until you taste it!

For thousands of years Chinese healers have used acupuncture and acupressure on the bottoms of their clients' feet to achieve healthy changes throughout the whole body. These ancient sciences have been adopted by Western medicine and are even taught in several medical schools in the U.S. We know this practice as reflexology.

At this point it would be appropriate to show you a reflexology chart for the feet but I thought you might enjoy an interactive chart instead. This is a fun chart to help you learn about the reflexes in the feet that correspond to all the body organs and systems. To view this chart click here.

When something ails you use the interactive chart to figure out what part of your foot to massage then use Young Living's Vita Flex Chart to figure out what Young Living Essential Oils would be best to help you balance your system.

Oh, and don't forget to get someone else to rub the oils onto your feet; it helps speed up the healing process! At least that is what I tell my family

Would you like to learn more about reflexology? Click here for a list of Reflexology resources that can help.

If you have any questions or need help with your order, contact me. I'm am ready to help!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Saturday, July 12, 2008

What does Back Pain, Blisters and Poison Ivy Have in Common?

Me! Well, actually, I hope that they have nothing to do with me but the likelihood is very good!

For the past 3 hours my love, my oldest son, and I have been cleaning out the ivy in our front yard What a mess! The ivy on the hill in my front yard is my Nemesis! I don't hate many things in life but I do hate my ivy. Why? Because it needs so much attention to look decent, many vines and unwanted things live there like Poison Ivy, and mostly because it is back breaking work to clean it up.

When we called it quits today my back was aching, my hands were filled with blisters (in the most tenderest spots) and there's a good possibility that I probably got a little poison ivy on the part of my wrist that kept getting exposed.

Knowing that I will probably need some sort of first aid to deal with all of this, I decided that I'd look up what oils I can use to alleviate blisters and poison ivy in my Essential Oils Desk Reference (3rd Edition). I already know that PanAway will be awesome for my aching back, I'll just have to get my love to give me a massage.

I thought since I researched this information I would share it with you. Here is the information I found in the reference book:

Blisters - It occurs when there is an accumulation of fluid underneath the skin. When the blister bursts, the revealed tissue beneath may become infected.
Single Oils: Lavender, Tea Tree, Frankincense, Sandlewood, Melissa, Cistus, Roman or German Chamomile.

Blends: Purification, Inspiration, Melrose

Dilute essential oil with a carrier oil (such as V-6 or Sweet Almond Oil) 50-50 and apply to blistered area 3-5 times daily.

Poison Ivy -

Single Oils: Peppermint, Eucalyptus dives, German Chamomile, Lemongrass, Lemon, Idaho tansy, Tea Tree, Rosemary, basil

Blends: Thieves, Purification, Sensation, Melrose, Gentle Baby, R.C., JuvaFlex, JuvaCleanse, Release.

Dilute essential oil with carrier oil (such as V-6 or Sweet Almond Oil) 50-50 and apply 4-6 drops to affected areas twice daily.

Back Pain - As I mentioned above, I didn't need to look this up. For any kind of back, neck or muscle pain I use PanAway. This is a soothing oil containing wintergreen that immediately brings a warming sensation to the area where it has been applied and begins to alleviate the pain. This oil previously only came in 5ml bottles but now comes in a 15ml bottle! Thank you Young Living!

I am also sitting on my Balance Ball Chair (scroll down for discount coupon on the right side of this page) as I write this. Its awesome for any kind of back pain. It takes the pressure off of the spine and frees it from pain. I highly recommend this chair to anyone who experiences any kind of back pain. I gave one to my love for Christmas. I had it shipped to his office and ever since he's been using it he hasn't complained of any back pain!

Thankfully I have Lavender, Purification,
and PanAway on hand and I'll begin applying the Lavender to these blisters.

You'd have these oils on hand if you had the Essential 7 Kit. Order yours here.................

It looks like my massage will have to wait; my family is calling me. Its to the beach we go! I'll let you know how the Lavender worked on my blisters.

If you have any questions on ordering any of these Young Living products please contact me. I'd be happy to help!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mommy, Would You Rub Oils on My Feet Tonight?

These are the words I heard from my two boys the other night before I turned out thier lights for bedtime. My children love to have their feet rubbed with oils. Well, who wouldn't?

When my children request oils I let them choose which essential oil they want. Both my boys chose Lavender this night and their choice didn't surprise me.

You see, both boys were exhausted from a long day at summer camp so sleep shouldn't have been an issue but I knew that thier heads were all a buzz from all the excitement they experienced that day. I was happy with their choice because it showed me that they instinctively knew that Lavender would calm them and enable them to get to sleep.

I love when my children ask for oils; it shows me that they see the benefit of using the oils and that I have given my children a natural tool to help them maintain their health. In this case, good quality sleep.

Here are some quick guidelines to follow when using essential oils with children:

  • Always use a reputable, therapeutic grade essential oils such as Young Living Essential Oils with them. Synthetic copies of oils commonly used in perfumery are not appropriate, and may even be harmful to your child’s health.

  • Keep all essential oils out of the reach of young children; older children can be taught to respect and properly use essential oils, but they should nevertheless be supervised.

  • In general, when treating children with essential oils use one-third to one-half the adult dosage and select only nontoxic oils.

  • DO NOT USE AN ESSENTIAL OIL NEAT (undiluted ) on children’s skin, unless indicated to do so for a specific condition. Use a carrier oil such as V-6 Massage Oil or Sweet Almond Oil to dilute essential oils. Olive Oil a good choice if you don't have the other oils available.

  • If your child has very sensitive skin, it is important to test a small area before using a new single oil or blend. There are a few exceptions to this rule: it is acceptable to use the nonirritating oils lavender or tea tree undiluted on burns, insect bites, pimples and other skin eruptions-as long as you don't have extremely sensitive skin.

  • Keep essential oils away from the eyes.

  • When using citrus oils - orange, bergamot, lemon, tangerine, mandarin, and lime - do not use where the skin will be exposed to sunlight for the next 12 hours. These oils are considered 'phototoxic', and can react from the sun's rays.

My Children love their oils and each have thier own favorites. Aside from rubbing the oils on their feet, I use essential oils in thier bath and I diffuse the oils in our home.

I have also given a Terra Cotta Pendant to each of my children. They each have thier own favorite scent they have me put on their pendants. My daughter Cait loves her "sleepy oil" which to you and me is Jasmine. If you've ever had the pleasure of smelling Jasmine oil you would understand my darlings love for it. The scent is dreamy! Shane loves Lemon; it instantly calms him. And Aidan and Shannon love Lavender the best.

If you'd like to learn more about using essential oils with children click here. This is a good article to read.

Of course, if you have any questions about the oils and applying them to children I can help. Contact me and I'd be happy to help.

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Are You Frustrated with Critters Eating Your Plants?

I was too until I made this deer repellent with essential oils. The original recipe, without the added essential oils, is from Missouri Botanical Gardens. The source for the recipe said it has been used effectively for over 100 years to repel deer.

To this recipe, I added Thieves Essential Oil Blend because it contains both Clove Essential Oil and Cinnamon Essential Oil both which are known to repel animals. I then added Cayenne pepper because it is known to keep the chewers away; apparently they don't like the taste, who could blame them.

The end result is a natural repellent that actually works. I have found that it repels all of the critters that were eating my plants. Even the cute little groundhog family of 3 who reside in my backyard.

I have literally watched them sniff my plants and run.

Homemade Deer Repellent with Eggs

2 Eggs
1 cup of Water
1 cup of Skim Milk
1 squirt of liquid dish soap (helps make concoction sticky)
20 drops Clove Essential Oil , Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil or Thieves Essential Oil Blend
2 tsp Cayenne Pepper

In a Blender, mix two eggs to one cup of water. Blend well then add one cup of skim milk, dish soap, essential oil, and cayenne pepper. Put this mixture into a Spray Bottle and spray a light mist over the plant. For larger areas use a Lawn and Garden Sprayer. Straining the mixture prior to pouring it into the spray bottle or garden Sprayer is a good idea so your nozzel doesn't get clogged from the egg.

There will be very little odor but deer and other critters will not find it appetizing. Remember to re-apply after heavy rains.

I have used this mixture straight and I have diluted it by putting the mixture into a gallon jug and adding water to fill the jug. The dilution doesn't hurt its effectivness but be warned don't leave the unused portion sitting in your garage for any length of time - Rotten Eggs - Not a good smell

Want to know how you can get these oils at wholesale pricing? Maybe you need help ordering? Contact me, I am ready to help.

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Homemade Chemical-free Baby Wipes!

Baby Wipes Recipe (these wipes are awesome and are 100% chemical free!)

1 roll of better quality Paper Towels (cut in half)
1 1/2 cups water (boiled)
1 plastic air-tight container (large enough to hold 1 half of the roll above)
2 tsp. Young Living’s KidScents Lotion
2 tsp. Young Living KidScents Bath Gel
2 tsp. Young Living’s V-6 Mixing Oil

Boil 1 1/2 cups water and mix in the Young Living KidScents Lotion, Bath Gel and V-6.

Take one roll of “nice quality” paper towel and cut in half (to make 2 small rolls) take the core out of the middle of one of the small rolls and put into a airtight container.

Mix together with a wire whisk and pour over the paper towels in the container, let sit until it has absorbed the liquid.

When you’re ready to use pull wipes from the center of the roll. Keep in airtight container!

If you need any help ordering any products or if you have any questions, please contact me. I am always happy to help.

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Make your Own Flavored Water with Essential Oils

Have you ever enjoyed flavored water? There are so many commercial brands out there but some, if not most, are flavored with more than you bargained for.

Check the labels on these waters. Some may be sweetened with sugar, or worse aspartame, and some may contain "natural" flavors (which in essence means imitation flavoring), coloring, or preservatives.

Some waters even claim to boost energy - careful, these may contain caffeine. How about added vitamins? This can be an issue too if you've already taken your supplements for the day. Plus, the vitamins that are added are more than likely synthetic and not in their natural state.

Water is suppose to be pure and healthy. Adding any of these things to your water definitely isn't pure and healthy.

Further, if you are drinking these flavored waters from plastic bottles then you also have the disadvantage of adding unwanted chemicals to your drinking water like DEHP, styrene, and BPAs. Not a good thing indeed.

So, what's a flavored water drinker suppose to do? Make your own flavored water and use Stainless Steel bottles.

Making flavored water with your Young Living Essential Oils is so easy and so tasty too! Try using Lemon, Peppermint, or Citrus Fresh. All of these oils have a very uplifting effect and you will get some added benefits from using them.

Lemon is very alkalizing (you can read about alkalizing with lemon by clicking here), peppermint is very cooling and helps to clear brain fog, and Citrus Fresh is extremely uplifting.

If its vitamin water you are looking for, flavor your water with a shot of NingXia Red. It is so light and tasty and you are sure to get a good boost of energy from drinking it, not to mention the health benefits that come from these vitamins and minerals.

Please be careful not to use your essential oils in a plastic bottle. The essential oils can break down the plastic and the chemicals can infiltrate your water. I suggest using glass or stainless steel water bottles.

The stainless steel bottles shown above are the best priced bottles I've seen in a long time. They are being offered by Gaiam and if you combine this sale with either the free shipping or discounted pricing coupons (scroll down and look on the right of this page) you will end up with great pricing.

Stay cool, stay healthy, and enjoy your essential oils in your water.

Need help ordering? Have any questions regarding Young Living products? Contact me, I'd love to get you started with Young Living or answer any of your questions.

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,


Please note Essential Oils should not be consumed unless they are pure 100% Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils such as Young Living's Essential Oils - Know your source!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Beat the Blues and Smell Great Too!

I want to tell you about a combination of Young Living Essential Oil blends that I love.

When combined, these oils create a beautiful scent but what's more to love is the way they will make you feel. I want to share this combination with you because I feel that everyone should have these oils. Truly, you shouldn't be without them.

When worn as a perfume don't be surprised when people are being nice to you. Especially when they comment on how wonderful you smell!

For you men readers, the scents are a bit feminine so just buy them for your favorite gal to wear and stay real close to her for the effects That's what my love does!!

I was first introducted to this wonderful combination of oils from Viki Opfer, a Diamond Distributor in Young Living, when I attended a seminar she was presenting. She passed these four blends around the room to all the attendees and I have to tell you, the results were astounding. I don't think I have ever been surrounded by so many giddishly happy people.

Since then I have used this combination quite frequently. In times of stress these oils are always included in my morning routine and are perfect for when I am feeling a bit blue. These oils bring me a great sense of peace and happiness.

Vicki appropriately calls it the "mood uplifting" protocol. Here is what she has to say about it:

"My all time favorite is the "mood uplifting" protocol. It includes 4 oils and everyone always tells me how much they love this smell. I learned this protocol from D. Gary Young in 1994, and it's helped many, many people consistently have more cheerful days, especially when used every day. What a concept! A "perfume" that not only raises my mood and my frequency, but also helps everyone with whom I come in contact feel the same way because I'm diffusing to them!"

Here's the protocol. Be sure to click on the pictures to get a description of the oils:

Valor - single drop on one wrist. Hold the other wrist to it forabout a minute (very balancing) Valor now comes in a convenient roll-on!

Harmony - single drop over the solar plexus (above the belly button)

Joy - single drop over the heart

White Angelica - single drop in one hand. Rub both hands together. Brush down from top of head, face, shoulders, chest, all the way down the body, lightly touching the body, right over the clothes, as though applying an "angelic shield."

If you have any questions or would like to add these oils to your morning routine and need help, please ask me. I'd love to help you!
To order these oils click here!
Yours in Scentsible Wellness,


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Have You Oiled Your Hot Tub Lately?

Rich and Shauna Dastrup wrote:

We were introduced to Young Living Essential Oils almost 8 years ago. At that time "ignorance" prevailed in our lives when it came to health, doctors, prescriptions, chemicals, and HOT TUBS. We, like most people, used the things we were told we were supposed to use in all areas of our lives.

Then something happened.

The grandparents of our daughter-in-law gave us a Young Living Missing Link cassette tape [now available in CD], which has had a profound effect on our lives. As we learned, used, and experimented we found we had a "killer" living with us called a HOT TUB!

We treated the water with lots of chemicals, which were contributing to our already poor physical health. What to do?

We talked with Gary Young about 6 years ago and what he had to say about chemicals scared the heck out of us and we quit using our HOT TUB! But then we decided to experiment with the essential oils in our hot tub. This is what we learned...

Our tub holds 300 gallons of water. In it, we used the "prescribed" chemicals and had it "balanced" so it was "safe" to use. Then we added 12 drops Young Living Geranium essential oil and circulated the water for 30 minutes.

We re-tested an hour later. Guess what? The bromine and chlorine indicator on the test strip was white, telling us they had disappeared. But the pH was holding just fine (wonder what happened to the bromine and chlorine?) and every indication was that the water was clean and balanced. We would guess that the bromine and chlorine were neutralized or "digested" by the Geranium oil. We have done this over and over and it keeps on doing the same thing.

Almost 4 years ago we started traveling in our motor home to teach and hold workshops with our Young Living distributors and we decided to experiment a little more with our HOT TUB during the time it was not being used to see if the desirable water conditions would hold without adding chemicals or more oils.

Each time we left we would add about 12 drops of Geranium oil, run it a few minutes, and turn the heat down - not off - down. Each time we returned (the longest absence being 6 months) we wondered what kind of scum we would come home and find. Each time we came home, including after the 6 month trip, the water was crystal clear. WOW!

Order Geranium Essential Oil here............

Prior to our experimenting, we maintained the tub using the standard chemicals recommended by the hot tub dealer. If the tub were not maintained on a regular basis we came back to a real mess.

Now when we are ready to change the water we clean the tub and fill it with water. We clean the 3 big filters and soak them in a mixture of about 15 drops Thieves oil in enough water to immerse the filters for about 3 hours. Then we put the filters back in and added 12 drops Geranium oil to the water.It is so relaxing and refreshing to soak in our clean, fresh, balanced, and safe HOT TUB.

For an extra treat, while we soak we like to toss in an Aqua Essence Bath Pack [no longer available so just add several drops of a favorite essential oil for scent]. Now this is the way to enjoy a REAL HOT TUB!

It is wonderful to get out of the tub smelling of essential oils instead of chlorine and knowing full well we are helping our bodies maintain health rather than compromising them.

We share this to encourage people to experiment and use Young Living Essential oils to protect themselves and remove as many chemicals as possible from their lives.

If you have any questions regarding any of the products mentioned or need help placing an order, let me know. I'd be happy to help you get the products so you can get the chemicals out of your life!!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,