Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cleaning A Cold-Air Aromatherapy Diffuser

cold air diffuser, diffusing, diffusers, discount coupon, cleaning cold air diffuserWhether you're a diffuser junkie like me and diffuse essential oils in practically every room of your house or you're an occasional user of a cold air diffuser you may find your aromatherapy diffuser may get clogged and need to be cleaned. This can happen over time or more frequently if you diffuse thicker oils.

Cleaning a cold air diffuser is easier than you think and requires little effort. All you need is a pair of pliers, a needle or pin, some soap and water, rubbing alcohol or good ol' vodka

Following are the steps to clean your diffuser and ensure that you are receiving the benefits from your aromatherapy diffuser and that its working optimally:

  1. Turn the diffuser off, remove the glass nebulizer piece and tubing attached to the pump.

  2. With a pair of pliers GENTLY wiggle the silver piece with the hole in it side to side while pulling up. Be gentle as you don't want to damage this piece.

  3. With the metal piece off you will notice a notch facing the area where the oil enters the nebulizer area. Part of the notch is filled with a little clear stick, leave that alone.

  4. Take a straight pin or needle and clean the tiny area beside the clear stick. You may need to fish around a little to get all the chunks out. Sometimes it is gummy or has little fuzzies.

  5. Once the silver piece is removed soak it and the base of the diffuser in hot soapy water. I find Thieves Household Cleaner works best at dissolving the oil in and around the base.

  6. Gently scrub the well with a toothbrush. Check the silver piece to be sure that the hole is not clogged. If it is simply take a needle or a pin and poke the hole to remove any clogged oil.

  7. Reassemble the diffuser by re-attaching the metal piece (make sure to press the piece all the way down to the bottom) and the glass nebulizer.

  8. Add about 1/2 ounce of rubbing alcohol to the well of the diffuser. If you don't have rubbing alcohol Vodka will do!

  9. Diffuse the alcohol in the nebulizer for a few minutes.

  10. Empty any remaining alcohol from the well of the diffuser and run the diffuser empty for a few minutes to dry.

That's it! Your aromatherapy diffuser should be up and running optimally again.

Did you break the glass nebulizer or want to change the look of your diffuser? Would you like an appliance timer for your diffuser? Diffuser World has many different glass nebulizers and timers to outfit your aromatherapy diffuser. They even have air pump replacments. Click here and enter discount code 246 to enjoy %5 off your entire order!

If you need help with your diffuser or want to learn more about diffusing essential oils, contact me and I'd be happy to help you!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

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