Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Lighter Side of Lemon

In my previous post Alkalize with Lemon I spoke about the many health benefits of Lemon Essential Oil . But you should know there is a lighter, more practical side to Lemon and if you have children you will find that Lemon Essential Oil is a must have in your bag of tricks!

Did you know that Lemon Essential Oil is great for getting sticky stuff off of things?

It works great for getting stickers off of purchased items, gum out of hair, and sticky stuff from hands like tree sap from playing with pine cones. Simply drip a drop or two on the area, gently spread around and wipe clean.

In the case of gum in hair, drip a drop or two of the oil on the hair and work in and around the gum. You will see it loosen and you can remove it - scissor free!

How about those annoying "temporary tattoos"? You know the ones I am talking about; the ones that really aren't temporary but instead hang around for a week or so as they slowly fade away. Drip a drop or two of Lemon Essential Oil onto the tattoo, spread it around and then see how quickly it wipes off.

Get Young Living Essential Oils here...

Oh, and don't you love that food coloring that surrounds your child's mouth from the ice cream man's ice pops or those wonderful juices the kids love so much? No amount of scrubbing seems to rid those little mouths of the evidence. Lemon Essential Oil does! Put some on your finger, rub onto the affected area and gently wipe off the evidence.

Here's a good one for you, Lemon Essential Oil removes marker from your child's skin - in our case my son's face.

My son attended a "Pirate" birthday party and he proudly came home with a mustache drawn on his face. It wasn't until later in the evening (he wouldn't let me remove it a moment earlier) that I received a phone call from a mother whose child attended the party and she exclaimed "can you believe the mother used marker on their faces?". She went on to inform me how she had her son in the tub and had been scrubbing his face to no avail. She wanted to know if I was able to get the mustache off of my child. I giggled, pulled out my Lemon Essential Oil and was again amazed at the ease of removal. No scrubbing, no screaming, just the beautiful scent of oil.

How about the inevitable trips to the port-o-john? They're fun huh? I think they are for sure a mother's true nightmare!! If you happen to have a bottle of lemon essential oil with you (because you had it for your water ) take advantage of the antiseptic properties of the lemon and use it to clean your little darling's hands. Just a drop or two rubbed on the hands will be sure to kill any germs they picked up!

"When life gives you lemons make lemonade" couldn't be more true for Lemon Essential Oil!!!

If you have any questions or need help placing an order, please contact me. I would be happy to help!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,

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