Saturday, July 12, 2008

What does Back Pain, Blisters and Poison Ivy Have in Common?

Me! Well, actually, I hope that they have nothing to do with me but the likelihood is very good!

For the past 3 hours my love, my oldest son, and I have been cleaning out the ivy in our front yard What a mess! The ivy on the hill in my front yard is my Nemesis! I don't hate many things in life but I do hate my ivy. Why? Because it needs so much attention to look decent, many vines and unwanted things live there like Poison Ivy, and mostly because it is back breaking work to clean it up.

When we called it quits today my back was aching, my hands were filled with blisters (in the most tenderest spots) and there's a good possibility that I probably got a little poison ivy on the part of my wrist that kept getting exposed.

Knowing that I will probably need some sort of first aid to deal with all of this, I decided that I'd look up what oils I can use to alleviate blisters and poison ivy in my Essential Oils Desk Reference (3rd Edition). I already know that PanAway will be awesome for my aching back, I'll just have to get my love to give me a massage.

I thought since I researched this information I would share it with you. Here is the information I found in the reference book:

Blisters - It occurs when there is an accumulation of fluid underneath the skin. When the blister bursts, the revealed tissue beneath may become infected.
Single Oils: Lavender, Tea Tree, Frankincense, Sandlewood, Melissa, Cistus, Roman or German Chamomile.

Blends: Purification, Inspiration, Melrose

Dilute essential oil with a carrier oil (such as V-6 or Sweet Almond Oil) 50-50 and apply to blistered area 3-5 times daily.

Poison Ivy -

Single Oils: Peppermint, Eucalyptus dives, German Chamomile, Lemongrass, Lemon, Idaho tansy, Tea Tree, Rosemary, basil

Blends: Thieves, Purification, Sensation, Melrose, Gentle Baby, R.C., JuvaFlex, JuvaCleanse, Release.

Dilute essential oil with carrier oil (such as V-6 or Sweet Almond Oil) 50-50 and apply 4-6 drops to affected areas twice daily.

Back Pain - As I mentioned above, I didn't need to look this up. For any kind of back, neck or muscle pain I use PanAway. This is a soothing oil containing wintergreen that immediately brings a warming sensation to the area where it has been applied and begins to alleviate the pain. This oil previously only came in 5ml bottles but now comes in a 15ml bottle! Thank you Young Living!

I am also sitting on my Balance Ball Chair (scroll down for discount coupon on the right side of this page) as I write this. Its awesome for any kind of back pain. It takes the pressure off of the spine and frees it from pain. I highly recommend this chair to anyone who experiences any kind of back pain. I gave one to my love for Christmas. I had it shipped to his office and ever since he's been using it he hasn't complained of any back pain!

Thankfully I have Lavender, Purification,
and PanAway on hand and I'll begin applying the Lavender to these blisters.

You'd have these oils on hand if you had the Essential 7 Kit. Order yours here.................

It looks like my massage will have to wait; my family is calling me. Its to the beach we go! I'll let you know how the Lavender worked on my blisters.

If you have any questions on ordering any of these Young Living products please contact me. I'd be happy to help!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,


Anonymous said...

Lavender worked awesome for my blisters. They are completely gone today! I have never experienced a blister going away so quickly!

I DID get poison ivy on my wrist :-( I have been using Purification and Lavender and both have helped alleviate the itching and the rash doesn't seem to be getting any worse.

The Essential Oil Desk Reference said that Peppermint was great for itching so I think I will try that next. I'll keep you posted!

Elizabeth said...

Woke this morning to a very itchy wrist. Went for the big gun Peppermint - Wow! Awesome - NO ITCH!!! The rash hasn't gotten bigger and it does look like its going away but I have a feeling I will be one itchy girl today. I will keep the peppermint on hand!