Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I Am So Sick of Reading Labels!!!

And I'm so tired of needing a degree in chemistry to understand what I am reading. Add to that it bothers me that I have to bring my reading glasses with me to the store in order to read the labels

My trips to the grocery store are getting increasingly longer and longer and I attribute that to my nutritional studies. The more I learn, the more I scrutinize the label of the food I am purchasing. I do this because the stuff they put in foods today just freaks me out!! In addition, I just don't trust the powerful marketing of the food giants!

How many "natural" products have you bought and the package reads "all Natural"? It kind of gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling buying it right? Yet when you read the ingredient list it contains "Natural Flavors"? Are you aware that this could mean a varied version of MSG or other man made chemicals (learn more about natural flavors by reading Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser)? This stinks huh?

With the little bit of knowledge I have in marketing I do understand a manufacturer's need to make their products appealing to the general public but to downright lie to their customers is just wrong.

Take for example the company Sara Lee, Sara Lee makes a bread which in the food industry is called "nutritionally transitional" bread. To you and me this means bread that is made with white flour and whole grain flour and is produced to appeal to the consumer who is beginning to incorporate more whole grains into thier diet.

The Whole Grain Council say that most transitional bread products contain at least 8 grams of whole grains per slice. Sara Lee is making all the whole grain claims and their product contains only 2 grams of whole grain. Read more about this by clicking here.

So what do we have here? We have people who are trying to make the transition to whole grains, most likely parents buying the product for their white bread eating children, and giving themselves a pat on the back because they are doing right by Jr.

I know that feeling. I get it every time my children eat something healthy. To me there is no greater feeling in the world for a parent. Okay, maybe just me cause I am such a nutrition nut, but really, is it right to deceive consumers like this?

The good news, in this case, is the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is seeking an injunction against Sara Lee for its whole grain claims and they're also seeking a general ban on claims that a product is a good source of whole grains without an enforceable FDA standard for such claims. Go CSPI!!!

On the flip side of label reading, we have to be careful about our own assumptions of products. Sometimes we believe that something isn't good for us when in fact it is and sometimes its even healthier than a product we're currently using. I made this blunder with my children's breakfast waffles.

My children love their frozen waffles in the morning. Occasionally I'll make them homemade and when I do, I sneak so many healthy things into the batter that I don't care if my children eat another healthy thing all day.

We have 3 different kinds of frozen waffles in our house: Shane waffles a.k.a. Eggo Waffles (nutritionally deplete but they're the only waffles Shane will eat), Aidan Waffles a.k.a. Van Varieties (a mother's nutritionally packed waffle dream come true) and "treat waffles" reserved for "special" mornings a.k.a Nature's Path Choco Waffles (filled with yummy melted choc chips when they are cooked).

Being a nutritionally conscious mother, when my children ask for waffles for breakfast I always make the treat waffles the last resort. In my mind, chocolate is not for breakfast and I don't want my children starting their day all sugared up.

One morning my oldest son pulled out all the boxes of waffles and challenged me to find out which was the healthiest. I replied "Aidan, of course yours are the healthiest." Imagine my chagrin when I compared the labels and found the Nature's Path Choco Waffles to have the least amount of sugar, the highest protein content, and the most fiber per serving.

Can you guess what my first offering is when they ask for waffles now? I didn't tell my other children our discovery, I just let them eat the chocolate waffles and they think I am the best Mom in the world. Even Shane eats them which, of course, makes this mom all warm and fuzzy.

So, what's my point today and what does this have to do with Young Living Essential Oils?

My point is this, although we may not like it read and compare your food labels. Sometimes we can be misinformed either by the manufacturer (shame on Sara Lee) or by our own selves and the assumptions we make.

Be informed and purchase products from companies that you can trust. Young Living is a company that I trust to provide me and my family with only the best essential oils and nutritional supplements. Why, because I've read their labels and know their commitment to making a fine product. Read more about the company here.

If you have any questions regarding Young Living, contact me. I'd be happy to help you!

Yours in Scentsible Wellness,



Unknown said...

Great post! Something I don't understand is when a label reads 100% juice, yet there are another dozen ingredients on the label...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Trina! *smiling* Excellent point! Never thought about that! This is a perfect example of what I'm talking about 'cause that is one label for sure that would also read Natural Flavors!